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laura lawrence - more than an lms- repurposingcanvas laura lawrence: i am so excited to see sucha big group out here at the last session of the day. i really thought everybody by nowwould be back in the rooms taking naps and what have you getting ready for this evening.so, i'm just saying kudos to you guys for so many of you being here. so, this is my third year at instructureconand my third year presenting at instructurecon and this year i have the assistance of mycolleague, cory schneider who's going to help us go through this. and what we'll be talkingabout today is repurposing canvas, using something for other than what it was originally intended.so, you've probably heard of repurposing before
and throughout you're going to see picturesof lots of really cool repurposing ideas and i haven't done this yet, but when i get homei so want a nail a shoe to a tree and see if the little wrens come and make a nest init. i know it's great. i know it's a little late for bird nesting season, but i just thinkthat's awesome. so, let's talk about repurposing canvas usingthe canvas lms for something other than what it was designed and we've got the instructurelogo there as the start button. so, you already know the primary use of the lms is for what?yeah, teaching courses, right. well, that's not what we're talking about today. today,we're talking about using it for other things and i suspect that you all are in the sameboat that we are at the alamo colleges, which
is do more with less, everybody take on moreresponsibilities with our smaller budget and fewer resources, right. we've been hearingthat same thing for 20 years. so how can we do that? well, one way to do that is to takesomething that you already owned, that you already have a contract or you've alreadypaid for and find new ways to use it without incurring any additional cost. so that's oneof the advantages that we'll look at today is the advantage of using your lms and youdon't have to buy another tool to do some of these things. so, betty the beta says it's time to thinkoutside the coffee pot. i so want you all go back and put one of these on your deskjust to freak out your coworkers. alright.
so, we're going to take it through some varioususes today and we'll show you some examples that are being done at northwest vista collegeand that a couple of our sister colleges. the alamo colleges are five separately accreditedinstitutions --four have been accredited so far one's well on its way, but that all fallunder a single district. so when you hear me talk about northwest vista college, that'sthe one college that cory and i work at. when you hear me talk about the alamo colleges, that'sour overarching district with five colleges under it. so, the first thing we want to talk aboutis using canvas for a bathtub, no i'm just kidding, using canvas for student services. and so,one of the things that we're doing at northwest
vista is called alamo enroll. and i thinkall of the colleges are using that, but we're using it in a canvas course. and are our sistercolleges, i mean, i'll ask my st. philips colleagues over here. are you guys using alamo enroll ina canvas course as well? great, not in canvas, okay. alright, so we're the inventors in thatone, gotcha. alright. this is something that new students who havejust been accepted to the alamo colleges or to northwest vista college go through to getthem started as new college students and so this takes them through all of those kindsof things that have to really be very well explained to new students. so it takes themthrough things like advising and testing to see what math course you should be placed in andwhat kind of things you're going to be available
to me on the campus. this is not taking theplace of advisors, but it's a way to get them started and a way for them to take ownershipof this and get started on their own, then when they do meet with their actual advisorsand their financial aid person and their academic advisor, they've already gotten a head starton this stuff. so, this is a really good resource for them. okay. another thing that we have specifically foronline students is called the orientation to online learning and we just call it olrn.the orientation online learning is something that many of you may have as well and it'ssomething to orient students to what it's like to take an online course. this is notcanvas training. this is not technical training.
this is study habits, time management skills,what to expect, how to be self-motivated and self-reliant in an online course. and of course,it's in canvas. so, without us pointing it out or being overt about it, they are gettinga little bit of canvas experience and canvas training in the orientation course itself.but the course is really designed to teach these kinds of things that you see here inthe middle and it's designed to really make them ready to learn online and let me just throwa couple of really cool statistics at you. we just got back the details on students whohave completed orientation online learning and the students who have not and how wellthey did in terms of retention and success in their other online courses. students whocompleted olrn were retained at a 10% higher
rate than students who did not and now hereis the good part. students who completed olrn had a 24% higher success rate a, b or c intheir online courses than students who did not complete the orientation. so, that could mean that students who completeolrn are more likely to complete other courses, because they're already that kind of a studentor it could mean that the information they're getting in here is helping them to be betterstudents. i think it's probably a combination of both, but the idea that it's in canvasand is also helping them to become familiar with the lms before they actually have touse it for a graded course is a great way to get them started. we are very happy toshare the template for this course with anyone
who is interested also. okay, alright. youmust turn a bathtub in a couch after you leave here, you must. so cute. yes, now you know what to do with that reallyold computer that you were going to sell at the garage for $5. you can turn it into yourmailbox and you can use canvas for faculty and employee training. this is similar towhat we just talked about with the students except that by using canvas for your facultytraining and your employee training, you're also getting that group of people, accustomedto canvas and you're letting them into something that they already all have access to. allof our faculty of course like yours can log into this. so, here is an example, new faculty,new adjunct faculty come to the alamo colleges
or specifically the northwest vista collegeand they have to go through some orientation, right. you probably have something like that,yes. we put it online and it's really need and if you take a look at the modules, youcan also see that we've taken some content that was created in another tool and embeddedit, oh i'm sorry, i'm totally talking about the wrong thing. i just realized. this isthe canvas training for faculty. i just realized, sorry. this is the canvas training for faculty.the canvas training for faculty, which is required of all faculty of northwest vistacollege, full time, part time, i don't care what discipline you teach, all faculty gothrough this training and it's in canvas and so it's very, very interactive we used a tonof stuff that instructure has already provided
to us, links to their guides, links to theirvideos, but then we personalized it like how am i going to use this in my course of northwestvista and so we put that in there. so sorry, i was talking about the other one first. okay. this is the adjunct course. this isthe course for new adjunct faculty, new to northwest vista. we want to tell them whowe are, what our mission is, what our vision in, what our vision and values are, what ourbeautiful campus looks like, where they can go to find help with things, what our strategicplan components are. and so, if we can look at the modules real quick in this one. wecan see how anyone of the ones it's not a discussion. here were go, we can see how we'veembedded content from another cms and we have
to unlock or is it just slow, okay. so, we'vegot this other tool that was already created that was in the cms or the talent managementsystem and i now we've put it inside of the canvas course, so they can get it all it wants,it may or may not open, get the shield, oh yeah, we got to do the shield, okay. so, what's really need and the reason thatour vice president asked us to put it in here, here we go, it's because we can make it interactivein here. when you're in the talent management system, yes, you can deliver content, butyou can't ask them to talk about things. so, you can't ask them for example how are yougoing to use writing across the curriculum and your course if you teach math or chemistry,your jogging. how are you going to incorporate
the value of citizenship and professionalism,regardless of the discipline you teach? so, we were able to put these things in therewith some videos and some interactive pages and then have a discussion at the end of eachone and for new adjuncts, this is a great way for them to get in and start to recognizeeach other by name. we also have sandboxes and this is just aplace everywhere who comes to know northwest vista get a sandbox, it's a shell that hasno real live students in it, and so, they can go in there and play and build and experimentand share courses and important export content and so that's a great place for them to getin and try it out. share courses by using export and import.
unknown speaker. [inaudible]. laura lawrence: yes, with other faculty orhow do you share courses? you could also for instance put a colleague in your course, becausethey're loaded into their sandboxes as teachers, so they could add their colleagues in as whateverrole they want, teachers, ta, students that sort of thing, so they can try things out.and so, we do have quite a few faculty who put their colleagues in as students, so thatthey can practice what is it going to look like, how do i divide you into groups, howdo i grade an assignment, that sort of thing. we also use canvas for faculty resources andwe're very proud of this initiative and i went another presentation earlier today thattalked about something very similar, but on
a smaller scale. the other presenter had aninstitution of about 60 faculty, we have about 830. and so, we need to have a way to giveour faculty resources that they need access to 24/7, just try as we might corey and iare not there 24/7. oh, but we have a third colleague and then one who works part time,but there is only three and half of us and there is 850 or 830 or something of them. so, how do we get all these stuff out thereto them and i'm sure many of you are in the same position. you've grading, it's 11:45on a sunday night and you hit some glitch or you're trying to remember how to get tothis new tool or how you want to know how to put a video and it may or may not evenbe related to canvas. so what we've done is
created the faculty resources with this adorableprofessor on the front and this is not a course, this is a collection of resources. and ifyou look in the modules, you can see, things like checklists for all faculty getting startedat the beginning of the semester, oh what did i forget to do, forgot to go and comparemy sis class list to my canvas class list. all those kinds of things were included. asasin the name that we give to our luminous portal and this tells you how to get around in thatrather clunky and complicated place. technology tips and tricks, shortcuts on thecomputer, what's a browser, how do it update it, how do i clear my cache, what does thatmean, et cetera, et cetera, how do i load my e-syllabus? i'm sure most of you have atool whether it's in-house or purchased for
that. so, faculty have questions about that,they can get in there. other software that they have access to then we do some thingsthat are about online courses, best practices for building an online course, getting startedwith canvas, some tips and tricks for things that worked really well in canvas and howto copy and share courses, how to create content pages and what we're trying to do is createthis new environment where we're encouraging everybody to get away from pdfs and powerpointsand make that all content pages for lots of good reasons that i could do a whole 30-minutesession on, but i won't. resources for your students are pages thatthe faculty can just copy and put into their own courses. so, they don't have to recreatea page on ettiquette for example, just copy
what's here. if you want to adapt it for yourown course, so you have some specific things for your online classroom that's differentfrom her online classroom, great. adapt it. everything that we have on there, they havefull access to and they can just take it and lift it and use it in any way that they want. they can copy by downloading it, yes or theycan import and export it. we just have to put them in the course temporarily or willthis create an export and send it to them as an email, but yeah, also what i do a copyand paste. and then at the very end, we have a place for them to give us some feedbackabout these resources. and again, all of these things give them the opportunity to practiceusing canvas in a sort of a passive way here,
but it's a great benefit. question: [inaudible] laura lawrence: okay, good question: do weput all of our faculty in as students, no, that is a public site, so no one else is loadedinto the course. that means it's public domain, anybody can click on it, it's just like awebsite. it is in canvas, but it's a public domain course. laura lawrence: yes. so, when you guys goto the instructure site for this conference, this presentation is in there, a lot of thelinks that you click are not going to work because they're going to actual things thatare behind our portal that have real students
in them and such, but the once that are publiclike faculty resources you can click on them. okay. so, if you want to use our ideas, feelfree, that's the greatest compliment to me in the world if you want to imitate anythingthat you find in here. laura lawrence: how do you make it a publiccourse? you simply go into your course settings. the same place where go to adjust the startand end dates of the course and down at the bottom, you'll see a little box that you cancheck to make this course public and it'll just give you a little confirmation. do youwant this to be a public course? yes, i do. here we go, that's it, and now, it's justlike a web page. yes, ma'am. laura lawrence: okay, that's a really goodquestion. is the orientation of online learning
required for all students? hey, this doesn'tleave this room, okay? if you are a student and you go into the schedule of classes andyou sign up for an online class, there is a blurb that comes up that says if this isyour first online course, you must enroll in olrn ooo1 and then it gives them the coursenumber that they need to sign up for. we do not have that process automated. okay andit's a banner thing, can i just say that, it's just a banner thing. there were fivecolleges on one system. you don't need any more than that. but they don't know when itjust says you must and so they do, they do. and what's really cool is that, last yearwhen we first started doing that, we had more students sign-up for a olrn then we actuallyhad students signing up for online courses.
so they're signing up for it, because theywant to see would it's all about. and we ask them, why did you take this and some of themsay "i wanted to find out what online courses are all about." yes, absolutely free. it'sa free course. it's a non-fee, non-credit course, takes some about two hours. yes. laura lawrence: they're accessed in the canvasindex, which you can get if you go through the help guides; there is a list of all thepublic courses. laura lawrence: it go... laura lawrence: canvas people, what's easiestway to get to that? laura lawrence: okay, right. okay. alright.a couple of other things and then i'm going
to get your great ideas. we have also studentadvising resources and undeclared major advising. our faculty have just in the last two yearsreally started picking up the responsibility of student advising. and so, this is a big,big responsibility. we have 16,500 students at our college and only one-third of our 800plus faculty are full timers. so, it's a very small number of faculty advising and very,very large number of students. so, this was a huge learning curve for them. the facultythemselves built these resources. they put these things out there by going withthe people who work in the student services department, in the advising areas, they putthese resources out there so that faculty can be better advisors when the students comeand seeking help. so, they have links here
to things like degree planning and careers.what kind of careers might i go into if i major in x. so these things are out thereand they're for the faculty member who's sitting there, helping a student. so, these are resourcesfor those advisors. and the other one is on for undeclared majors and they have a littlebit more resources because there are more things that they want to go through with themto help them try to find a major. okay, corey is pointing out that this oneis a group assignment where they're all working together as a group. the faculty advisorsare working together as a group and sharing ideas, yes, really neat, just some reallygreat things. and i love that this is not all coming out of my area. i love people thatpeople are picking up on these ideas and doing
them themselves, that's really great. hey, let's go to our next idea. catching atheme here, right? it is so lovely that every student, every faculty member and potentiallyevery staff member has the ability to simply log in. and if we have a staff member whois not already in canvas, we put him in canvas, we're admins, we can do that. poof! you havean account. okay, you can use your old cd cases for cable spools, isn't that clear.it's not a beautiful picture, but gosh, that's a smart idea. i love that. okay. you can use canvas as a communicationshub. so, you can have a way here not only for people to pick up resources that theyneed, but also as a way for them to share
ideas and talk with each other. this is theone that is being used for the tutors. so, these are not people who are full time faculty.these are people who work in the writing center, the math center, the science tutoring lab,and so if a student walks in for example and says, my teacher says i have a problem withsentence fragments. then right down here, they've already got some resources loadedwith some exercises that student can do and some handouts or some worksheets that willhelp the students to understand what is the sentence fragment and how do i avoid it. so,every person who is working as a tutor whether they are full time faculty member or parttime faculty member or staff member or even a student advisor working in the lab, theyhave access to these resources so that they
can help the students who come in needingassistance and there is a ton of stuff in there. the math community one, what they've doneis really neat too. they've put in the files all the syllabi for all the math classes,all the work sheets, all the handouts, is it coming up, alright. yeah. i will just expandsome of these folders. it doesn't look like much until you start expanding folders andthen you like oh, goodness that's a lot of file. so, math teachers can go in here andthey can get all the files they need for math advising for teaching developmental math orteaching college level math or teaching statistics and business math and math for engineeringmajors and math for associated arts, majors
and oh, my goodness, it's all there for them.and this is mostly the full timers providing this for the adjunct faculty, which i thinkis a beautiful thing. it's creating a really good sense of community. they also have discussionboards where they share ideas and they say things like whose got a good idea and howto teach this particular lesson or how to help students who have trouble understandingthis and so they're sharing ideas even though they're not there concurrently at the sametime. our next idea, takes it down to a smallerscale instead of larger. you can obviously share simply by putting people into the sameenvironment, course pages, entire courses or individual assignments. we'll just takea look at the macroeconomics course for an
example. everyone who teaches macro in northwestvista college, i don't care who they are, if you go to their homepage, it's going tolook like this. if you go to the modules, it's going to have the same stuff, it's goingto have the same assignments, the same discussion questions, not everyone wants to do that,and that's wonderful. but the macroeconomics department, the economics department decidedthey did want to do this, so that everyone would have a shared experience. they alsouse an outside lti. and so, only person had to figure out, how to get that integrationin there, how to make it all work and now the others can just share this course, andso that's really neat. they can update the template and then everybodycan copy that. if there is a major change,
let's say they go to a new textbook next semesteror they decide they're going to change the order of the modules or something, just changethe master course and everyone can copy it, okay. let's skip to the next one. this is an assignmentthat's used in an arts class. and again, because one person has done a lovely, lovely job withhis one case in this is simply an assignment. it's an essay that the students write aboutthe different components of what makes art, but they can share this by exporting it andthen the person can import it into their course. so, everybody uses this assignment in theart appreciation course. they may not all have the exact same course, but they use thissame assignment, because somebody has done
such a good job and they collectively thefaculty in that department have agreed to use this. the last one that we want to cover today orthe next to last one is about using canvas for committees, clubs and organizations. so, forexample, you have committees, let's go to the student leadership one. you have committees,you have student clubs, student groups, load them all in, right? i think that's what thisgentleman was talking about loading people into that common group whether it's the frenchclub or the football team or whatever, give those people a place where they can get in,they can share ideas, they can grab resources that they need and do whatever it is thatthey need to do and students can be loaded
by whoever the teacher is or by whoever theadmin is. and last, can anybody guess what the lastone is before we click on it. using canvas as -- who said that? presentation tool, righton, exactly. forget powerpoint, forget prezi, use canvas for your presentation tool, thereyou go or you can use a suit case for dog bed, i like that too, that's really cute.so, today's presentation has been brought to you entirely in canvas using content pagesinstead of powerpoint, which as you know has all kinds of issues. you take it to a conferenceand then the music doesn't load and blah, blah, blah, right, but it is in canvas, makeit -- this is the public course. i'm going to do is give you guys the link and then youcan have it. i don't have to email it to you,
right. this is beautiful or what. it doesn'tdo those really nauseating things like when you're in a rocking board in prezi. is thereanybody besides me that hates prezi. thank you, love you, alright. so those are our ideas, i know there is tonsmore out there. i would like to give a button to anybody who can quickly give me anotheridea that using canvas for something else. i'll get to you next. yes, ma'am. laura lawrence: using it for repository forwhat? question: media. laura lawrence: media repository, okay, great.what else ma'am? who had a hand up. over here,
sir. laura lawrence: oh, great, workshop sign-upand registration system, that's a great idea. laura lawrence: yeah. you're working on it,okay, cool. yes, sir. question: adjunct faculty meetings. laura lawrence: adjunct faculty meetings.one of the courses i did not bring up for you here is not a course. it is a place thatwe use for meetings and it says here is the schedule for the next meeting, here is theagenda, here are the meeting notes, et cetera. ma'am? laura lawrence: lovely, a faculty trainingcourse. i'm going to trust you or i'll pass
it down alright, so i don't have to throwit, has a pin on it. okay, yes ma'am, in the green. laura lawrence: oh cool, peer advising. so,students are enrolled where they can peer advise. i'm not going to leave out the peoplethat are sitting way in the back here. sir, what's your idea? question: faculty tenure review? laura lawrence: faculty tenure review. ohmy gosh, i love that. put the -- what you call, training management people out of business.sir? laura lawrence: oh, that's a great idea. so,there are students going clinical rotations
and they use the canvas course for a placewhere they can sign the documentation, the certifications all that, super. last ideaover here. it's only last one, because i'm running out of buttons and time. laura lawrence: wonderful. so, they're usingit for their faculty summit. a place to share ideas, meeting notes, et cetera. so, thereis a million ideas. if you all have other ideas, i would love for you to get on to theinstructure site and share them there. i've always also put the link for this course.it's alamo.instructure.com/courses/863357, but the link is on the instructure site, onthe discussion board and if you just click it, it will take you into this presentation.
laura lawrence: yes. and can they find thatunder your presentation? laura lawrence: okay. perfect. so, ted saysthat he created a group in the instructure site for other than the usual uses of canvas.so yes, wonderful. thank you guys so much. great to have you.
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