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john: hey, john sonmez from simpleprogrammer.com.i got a question here about nanodegrees. this is something that is a new kind of conceptfrom udacity is where i'm seeing these. this kind of begs a bigger question about likethe online degrees, online kind of programs and the usefulness of them. this questionis from paul and paul says, “hey, john. thanks again for posting all the resourcesand tips that really encourages me. i wanted to get your thoughts on the udacity nanodegrees.there are 3 individuals who have just finished the degree and have obtained jobs, the firstfew that signed up for them all from different life circumstances.†he links to this blogposthere that talks about internships that people are in from these nanodegrees. there’s thearticle.
“the course that udacity offers are free,but the project they guide you through to get the degrees are not. i just want to hearyour thoughts or maybe a video since this could be an option for many. thanks again,paul.†a little bit of background on what these nanodegrees,this udacity thing is. essentially, it’s like an online degree. it’s not like aslarge as a 4-year degree program or anything like that, but it’s a little bit—it’sbasically a certification but maybe a little bit stronger than a certification. udacityallows you to take classes online in software development topics and they’re a littlebit more formalized. they’re sort of like this mix between a hybrid or between a classroomlearning in a totally just online training
type of thing. they’re a little bit morerigid and have projects and whatnot, and it could carry a little bit more credential.i think they’re a good idea. i think that the traditional education system is goingto fail. actually, interestingly enough, someone expressed this better than i could ever expressthis. i was just reading the book antifragile. in the book, the author, he says—someoneasked him. i think they sent an email or sent him a letter and said something about, “whatdo you think about traditional education?†because he’s talking about the fragilityof systems. they wanted to know like what does he think is going to happen with traditionaleducation. he said, “bullshit is fragile.†what that means is basically that he thinksthat the system will collapse because it’s
based on bs, and i totally agree. i thinkall of the academic systems that we have today are complete bs, just the academic societyin general. it’s a lot of bs. when i see things like these online degreeswhere people are actually doing projects and actually accomplishing things and they’renot being reamed for tens of thousands of dollars, so someone with a prestigious titlecan tell them how to think in a very uniform way and be a robot like everyone else, i likethose things. i can’t speak for this program myself because i haven’t gone through thisprogram. i don’t know what it entails. i don’t know what degree. i can just say,in general, online education is good because it puts more the focus on learning things,on actual doing rather than getting just some
knowledge in your head or just making it througha thing, right? they key thing is always going to come downto this and i'm always going to say this. i'm always going to say this to my blog post,is that you need to actually do and learn, right? it doesn’t matter if you get a degree.it doesn’t matter if you get a certification. none of that stuff matters. what matters iswhen you sit in front of a computer, if you’re trying a job as a computer programmer, canyou program? can you do it? can you think? specifically, i would ask, “do you knowhow to teach yourself to self-educate to be able to improve your skills on your own ordo you need someone to spoon-feed you information?†if you need someone to spoon-feed you information,you’re going to be in trouble because whatever
i spoon-feed you today is not going to begood for tomorrow, right? you’re going to have figure out how you develop and learnyour own skills. how do you develop yourself and continuously improve yourself over time?all that is basically to say, yes, i like this. i don’t know about this exact degreeprogram, but i like this idea. i like the idea of breaking out traditional education.i like the idea of getting rid of these longstanding kind of gatekeepers for education systemsand saying, okay, there’s a better way. what we want to focus on is actually learningand that we don’t care about where the thing comes from that. accreditation is not so important.when it comes down to it, can someone actually do the work? can they actually accomplishtheir goals? can they actually achieve what
needs to be done, right?at the end of the day, business is to hire programmers not to be theoretical and to beprestigious but to write code. can you write code? can you write good code that can bemaintained? if you can do that, if you’re doing something that’s going to teach youto be able to do that, that’s what’s valuable. seek the things that are valuable and therest will follow, because you can have credentials and you can have all these things and thatmight get your foot in the door. when you go down to an interview or even pass that,when you actually sit down at your job and actually have to do your job, if you can’tdo it, you can’t bs that. you can’t fake that like you’ve got to actually be ableto do it and that’s what’s going to—in
the long run, that’s going to be what’simportant. focus on those things are going to be investments in the long term.anyway, good question. i'm definitely curious to see where this goes with udacity and thesenanodegrees. i’ll be following it. thanks again, paul. if you have a question, you canalways email at john@simpleprogrammer.com. as always, subscribe to the channel and you’llget more videos just like this one. take care.
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