hey guys welcome the wpbeginner andthanks for tuning in. in this video i wanna walk you through how to set upsmall business website in less than an hour using a step-by-step process. so ifyou're ready, let's get started. the first thing we need to do is we need to set upour hosting plan so i'm gonna go to wpbeginner and i wanna go to deals, we'll go tohosting and all the way down we're gonna use hostgator for this. wpbeginner hasa coupon that we're going to use right here. so if you click on this it'll copy that information and it'll open up hostgator for us so we can get started. now from here you just wantto enter all the information and you can if you already have your domain you canclick on that and say you already own it
enter your domain name here. if you don'tyou can register a new site and see if it's available and if it's not it will tell you it's not availablebut then it will come up with some alternatives that you can use and we've already chosen our hosting plan.so now i'm just going to go through, pause the video while i go ahead and set this upand i'll be right back right so now that we have our hostingsetup we need to go ahead and install wordpress. so we'll scroll down and you're looking forsomething called like the quick install we'll click on that and we're looking for thewordpress quick install and we'll go ahead and say install wordpress for us.
pick the site, here they're asking for a littlebit more information and you'll just want to fill that in when you have it all filled out just clickinstall wordpress cancel out of that. okay, now that we have our wordpress installedlet's go ahead and login to the admin portion of our website so i'm gonna go to mysite /wp-admin and you'll want to bookmark this because this is how you can accessthe admin side admin portion of your site anytime you need to. now that we have the hosting setup andwe have wordpress installed its time to get started in setting up our actual theme and our actual site so let's go ahead and get
started. now that you have wordpresssetup i'm gonna take you to the site this is probably what yours will looklike depending on the theme that is there andso what we want to do is find a theme and install that and go ahead and set it up.so in order to do that let's go back to the dashboard and i want to go and showyou under appearance>themes this is the area that drives your themes foryour site. these are the themes that are installedby default yours might be a little bit different depending on when you'reseeing this. i want to go in and find one that is particular to our business. forthe sake of this site i'm going to
concentrate on creating a small businesswebsite and we're going to concentrate on say computer repair. this can work foranything like massage therapist, landscaping, financial planner, any smallbusiness where it's pretty much like you're the only person running yourbusiness and you need to set it up so i'm gonna search for themes, i'm gonna click add new when you add new this brings in all the themes from the wordpress repository these areall the themes that wordpress that they've looked through and verified thatthey're okay to use on your site and you see that they are broken up by a featurethat's the latest ones yours will look different or by popular these are the mostpopular downloads you can also look by
the latest these are the most recentones that have been uploaded. you can also by feature filter if youalready know what kind of color set up you want you can choose that if you know whattype of layout you want or the type of features that you wanna see and what i wantto do is see what they have for small business. it's a little generic but should bring back some decentlooking websites that will be particular for a small business and you can just scroll throughand see which one might look best for your site. i'm gonna look at the details ofthis one so i'm gonna click on that and you'll see what it does is it actually brings it up in thecustomizer window and it gives you a preview of what your theme might looklike.
so this is what mine might look like right now before i make any changes and if we want to close out of that we'll exit there and you can either keeplooking or if that's the one you're happy with you can choose that one i'm going to choose this one so i just installed it and i also activate thetheme. and for that particular theme it looks like there are some extra things thatthey recommend. these are plugins that they want me to install i'm gonna go ahead and sayyes so that you probably won't see that i'll show you how to do plugins later but for now i'llgo ahead and activate these and install them we can go to your dashboard can also justtake a quick peek at our site to see what it did. alright so it looks a little bit different andnow we can go in and customize it. alright
now that i have kind of the basics of mytheme installed you want to start, we want to start customizing it. some of thethings we want to do right now if you don't already have in this go ahead andgather up things like your logo, your information about your business so you wantto write up some stuff we call that content. that will be you know for your aboutpage or your contact us page or where you're located the services that youoffer things like that you want to go ahead and have that if you don't have that whichsome people they don't have that yet they just want to set their site wecan import some dummy data which kind of fills up the site a little bit to giveyou an idea of what it's going to look
like and then you can fill in theinformation as you go along. to get the dummy data on my site for someone to go to my wpbeginner area de dummy data is found i'm gonna scroll down looking for the xml datathat we have as a download here's the file i'm gonna right click and save that, now i'm gonnago back to my site i wanna go under tools > import and i want the wordpress import to be able to import i need to install this little importer. i want to activate and run it i gotta find that file that i just downloaded and i wanna upload file and import. here it's just saying there's an author associated with that who do you want to give it to i'm gonna say me. same with all of these authors we'regonna sign all those authors to me and we want to go ahead and download andimport the file attachments that way we can
also see images of the dummy content submit that. alright now it says that all of that's been done so just to show you what i'm talking about i'll go to my siterefresh the page and now you see all these pages and the menu because they are nowall these new pages instead of just hello world we have all these new postsso it gives the site a little bit more feel, look and feel so you can would look likeas you fill it up with your content. so now that that's done we can move on. i want to show you a couple of great freeor inexpensive things if you don't have a logo but if you want one these are logo generators and the firstone is called the hipster logo generator.
now it just kinda takes you throughstep by step on creating a logo. so you want to spend some time doing that. wesaid we're gonna do a computer repair shop so i'm just gonna do a real quick runthrough on this i'm gonna click that, go next and i'm just playing with this you just want to spendsome time playing with it. do that and click next gonna click, for me i'm gonna click double line, it'll show the text here you can change the font and the location. clicking on these also show you the logo fonts you want to use we'll just do that. great pc repair we'll use that, we'll clicknext
like i said spend some time working onyours and you can add some color here if you want. do some background color like that. this means transparent i'm happy with it and then here you can download it. you can download asmall item if you like it and you want a bigger item that you can, you can go ahead an pay a little bit extra. so i'm gonna add this to my folder that i'm working, that i'm using and we have a logo. so you can use hipster logo if youwant if you already have a logo great if you have somebody else that you'reusing perfect. there's also something else called the squarespace logo if youwant to create a logo there you can use
that one. so now that i have a logo let's goin and continue to customize our site. to customize it we're gonna go under appearance and click customize. each theme will have slightly different area for thisbecause each theme has different settings to worry about so i'm gonna click on the logo and this is name it you see it changes it up here. now everything i'm doing over here you're getting tosee it a preview of it here but you don'tactually it's not actually changing the website until we finish and click saveand publish so you can mess with all this all you want and then when you'refaced with all your setting changes go ahead and click save and publish. we just created thatlogo so we can actually put that up here
the recommended dimensions are 300 by100 on this theme since i have my logo down here i can actually drag that. so i'm gonna do dragand drop and i'm gonna use that as a logo and you say because my theme my logo is fairly largeit's using the whole thing there so you'll want to make sure that it's set at the 300 by 100 orwhatever the dimensions are that your theme is working on. so i'm gonna remove that when i do it'llbring back my pc repair so that's okay. but we can use that site icon andwhat that is is the little thing up here you see it's showing you that's what it wouldbe and now you see that my little icon as that. so i have done all my customizing on that so i'm gonnaclick back and keep going. alright so far the colors you can choose a backgroundcolor right now it's white you can go
any of these colors that you want. content we're gonna we'll keep that as that it's if you notice that changed it to blue so that makes all of my content words and such that color and we don't want that so we're gonna go back and click on default like that color it's easy on the eyes and you may come acrossa theme where it's basically a lite version so if you wanted more colors you would want to update that to pro. so moving along i don't havea background image but you could do a background image on here, say show them that youare a unicorn and that's what it would look like. you can change the tile, repeat it, what have you.
i'm going to remove that and for the menu this theme has all of these menus right here andunder menu location the top navigation and the primary. i'm not sure that those areso we're gonna go ahead and select let's try all pages and see were the top navigation is. yeah, top navigation is way up here what you probably want for that would be maybe social primary navigation is that one, that's probably the we would use for let's try short and see what that looks like. that looks better that's for the menulocation if you don't have any menus just click add menu you or if you wantspecific ones. typical menu would be like this is the menu that we're workingon and it has the home, the blog, about
which also has these submenus so when i hover you see all these submenus and this page. from here you can reorder them by clicking and dragging them or you can also add one and you can eitheradd a post or a page if you have a category like tips on how to fix pcrepair you could add that has a menu item as well. but i'm happy with the short menu so we're going to go with that. clicking back and moving on, the widgets.the widgets are these little areas like over here this sidebar area this is a wholewidget area. so that's probably the primary sidebar for this theme. each theme has itsown widget area and as you can see these are all the items in my widget area. if youdon't like something on the side bar you can
click on the down arrow and remove it, the same thing with categories that just seems really long so i'll remove that. i'm happy with that widget area. for this theme we have these other widget areas a call to action i'm going to add a text field, it's working on adding it and i'll show you where that goes so for this one it's up here so you can change that make that a little bit better looking butbasically that's a great call to action for especially for a small business or alocal businesses who want something like that for me i'm good with the widgets so i'm going to click back off of that. static front page right now we're just pulling in all of our blog posts onthe front page says we're setting up a
small business site i want a static frontpage for that and it'll likely be like for my pc repair maybe i want to showthem all of the services that i offer what have you. this is where we'll want to go in andcreate our actual pages of our services that we offer or our products that we sellfor right now we'll use the front page template and since we have that as ourstatic front page i also want to get the blog that is the blog page that all of myblog posts will show on so when somebody clicks on this it'll go to my blog posts. alright so now we have a static front page which we want for our small business and we have a blog page setup.
those are all the customizations that we can do with the customizer i'm pretty happy with it so i'm gonna click save and publish. when i exit out of that it will take me back to the dashboard area. now when i just got to my site do a quick refresh and show you what it lookslike now and you see for me it's looking pretty good. like i said before we wantto add our own information here we want to add our own posts here but this gives you a goodidea of what everything looks like and for page it's because we are logged in that we see that our visitors won't seethat so that's ok. alright the next thing
we want to work on is installing aplugin that will help with seo. so we're gonna go to plugins add new and we're looking for yoast seo and this is the one we want so we'll install that now and we'll activate it. it comes up with atour notification so you can do that if you want. we're gonna go right into itand do some quick setups this is actually a great reminder if you don't have your website set up to show your post names then this you will see this informationand you actually do want to fix that you can either have them you can have themtake you to fix it or anytime you need to you can also go down into generalsettings and permalinks to fix it yourself right now since it's a brandnew website my site is showing with some
numbers after it and you always want tochange that to something a little bit more detail oriented or easier forsearch engines like a sample post. post name is actually the one i usually use and we'll click save changes now that that's done we can go back into seo general and we'll go from there. there's a lot of information on here but there's just some specific things that you'll want towork on this is the website name that you want to put in, this is usually yourbusiness name and you can show them whether you're a company or a personwe're gonna say company name and then if you had a logo like we talked about you can upload that there.
i'm gonna click save changes. now after you go under general you just want tomake sure that you have titles and metas set up. by default, title separator that'sthis information right here and right now we have a dash some people like to have thepipe or any of these other characters you can choose from. on the home page, thehome page you can just a edit on the page itself or on the blog page itself we'lldo that right now. so i'm gonna click on that link it will take me to the front pagewhich is my homepage and they're just saying to go down all the way down hereand set up this information. this is the snippet so you can change that
here. now you, when you're dealing withlocal search engine you always wanna add your city and state that usually helpsout with these search engines as well. since we made some changes to that i'm gonnaupdate that and just a couple more things that we want to do under social, undersocial>yoast seo you can add all of your facebook, twitter username, all yoururls here and that just kind of helps google know all of the profiles that areassociated with your business so you want to just add all of those in here like that and you want to fill all the others out. you can save changes and you can actually click on this, this is for whenyou post things to facebook sometimes
facebook's images don't come over verywell so you can actually upload a default image for that so you could do thatthere. twitter you can just show how you want it to look either just a summary or with a large image on twitter let's save changes so those are the basic set-ups for yoast seothe power of them comes in the actual creating posts or pages and we'll go intothat right now because the next thing we want to do is go ahead and set up since we are a local business i wanna go ahead and show you how to set up pagesby setting up our services page for our site. this shows you how to do a page and i'll alsoshow you how to handle adding media or adding images to your site with this one. so we're going to add that
i'm gonna go ahead and add my service information here. a lot of it's just placement to show you what i'mtalking about. so this is our service site i also want to add an image so youand to click add media. if you ever want to add images and if you installed the dummy datayou'll see all of these images or we're gonna actually upload a file that isspecific to our services and that just helps with the information. you can either have it on its own with noalignment or if you want to have words coming around it you can click there and you see the words will wrapped around the image. you also see this, this area is now this is actuallycoming from yoast and that's our current
seo score. when you scroll down to thebottom any of your page and any of your post you actually wanna go through here toset up your seo and from here you want to add in the focus keyword that you're lookingfor maybe pc repair in austin texas and then yoast starts giving you a yellow greenor red light and so you wanna fill in all this information that helps increase yourrankings for that keyword. so you see we're getting some green and that's goodwe just need to go ahead and follow along with some of these other things.you see from here they're saying that focus keyword doesn't appear on the title sowe want to change that. and this information pools from your title page up here you can either change it down there or
you can change it up here so let's do that, and once you're finished with doing all of your changes to the page you can go ahead and clickpublish and since this is a new page we need to go ahead and update our menu. goto appearance menus and since there are so many on there i'm actually just going todelete this menu and i'm gonna start fresh. so i'm gonna create a new menu, call it main, create the menu i'm gonna click on all the pages that i wanna have there and i'm gonna do front page because that's actually my homepage. so now they're over here and i can drag them however i want and from here i'm actually going to label this home and now that will be home. i'm actually
going to label this services, this isonly changing what it shows up in my menu. i'll click save menu. now that we created the main menu we also need to update the location of that. so the primary was shortnow we're gonna make the primary main save, and now when i refresh we'll see homeservices and now when we click on the services that's our newly created page and when you click home, that's the homepage. so nowyou have the basics of a small business website set up and you're ready to moveforward in showing off your new website. if you like this video click on the like button and go ahead and leave us a comment there, we'd love to hear from you.
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