google web design certificate
jonathan simon: hello, i'mjohnson simon with the google compute engine team. now that compute engine is openfor everyone to use, i thought it would fun to do ademo of using compute engine to set up a cloud-basedweb server. that way, you can see theprocess and then try it out for yourself. let's get started by pointing abrowser to cloud.google.com. when you first come to thecloud platform, you'll be
prompted to createa new project. we're creating a testweb server. so we'll call it webserver project. we'll change the suggestedproject id as well, and then click create. that will start the projectcreation process. now the project that's beingcreated will have access to all of google's cloudplatform services. we're interested in computeengine for this demo.
so when the project creationprocess completes, we'll select the computeengine service. compute engine is a paidservice, so the first thing we'll need to do is set upour billing information. you'll likely be surprised athow affordable experimenting with compute engine can be. after we've entered our billinginformation, we'll be redirected to the compute engineinstances page, where we should see a listof the virtual
machines that we've created. we don't currently haveany, so let's add one. start by clicking the newinstance button at the top of the page. for the name of the instance,we'll specify test web server. we'll create the instance inthe us central 1a zone. for the machine type, since thisis a test, we will select the f1 micro with one cpu and0.6 gigabytes of memory. we'll leave the boot source asnew persistent disk from
image, and we'll go withthe debian image, which is the default. all the other settings shouldbe ok, so we can click the create button to createour instance. because we specified the bootsource as new persistent disk from image, a default 10gigabyte persistent disk will be created, named boot test webserver, that will be used as the boot disk forthe instance. persistent disks are especiallyuseful, because
they can live on beyonda specific virtual machine's lifetime. this allows you to save thestate of your virtual machine at a specific point in timeand then restore it at any time in the future. our instance is almost ready. some final health checks arebeing run, which is the last step before the serveris ready to use. there.
now our instance hasbeen created, and it's ready for use. by default, all externaltraffic to our instance is blocked. since we want to serve web pageswith our instance, we need to set up a firewall tospecify that incoming http traffic is allowed on thenetwork where our newly-created virtualmachine resides. we can do that by clickingnetworks and choosing the
default network where ourinstance was created and then scrolling down to the firewallsection and click create new. the name of the firewall thatwe will create is http1. and under the protocolsand ports section, we'll enter tcp:80. then we'll click the create linkto create the firewall. the firewall creationprocess has started. once this process completes, weshould see the new firewall appear in the firewalls list.
and there it is. in order to make changes, likeinstalling software on our compute engine virtual machine,we need to remotely access the machine. the google compute engine teamhas created a great tool for doing this called gcutil. gcutil is a command line toolfor interacting with google compute engine. the instructions for downloadingand installing
gcutil can be found atdevelopers.googl e.com/compute/docs/gcutil. once we've got gcutil installedon our machine, we can use it to remotely accessthe instance we created. there's a quick way to do thatif you go to the instance details page for our test webserver, and then scroll down to the bottom where you'llsee an ssh link. click that link, and thencopy the command that's provided there.
now, we're going to open aterminal window and paste that command and run it. and there we go. we've remotely accessedour test web server. here we are on thecommand line. well, let's install somesoftware, specifically some web server software. the web server software we'regoing to install is apache. a standard commandused on linux to
install software is apt-get. so we're going to type sudo torun the command as a super user, apt-get, install,apache2. it's going to ask us to confirmthat we want to install it. type y and hit enter, and the installation process has started. and now apache hasbeen installed. as part of the installationprocess, apache creates a
default web page. we can try loading that defaultweb page in a browser to confirm that we're actuallyserving web pages. so let's jump back to a browserto test if we can load the default web page thatapache has created. now, to find our default page sothat we can try to load it in a browser, we need to knowthe internet address of our test web server. we can find that back on theinstance details page.
locate the external ip address,and copy the value you see provided there. and open a browser tab, andpaste the value that you just copied, and hit enter. there we go, the defaultapache web page. great, our test web serveris serving up pages. now, to prove that this is ourweb server, let's modify the we'll jump back over to ourterminal window and type the following command to openup our default web
page in a text editor. we'll start by typing sudo torun the command as super user, and then nano, which is the texteditor that we'll use, and then the location of theapache default web page, which is /var/www/index.html. when we run that, it will openup the index.html in the nano text editor. first, we will remove thedefault text that's there. and then we'll paste in animage, so that we can easily
tell that the page hasbeen modified. the final thing to do is topress the control and x keys and then type y to save thefile and close nano. now, we should be able to goback to our browser and reload the web page. and there is our new customdefault web page. this is an image that wascreated at google i/o as part of the code lab that we rancalled computing the cosmos. i would call thistest a success.
the final thing we need to doto wrap up our test is to delete the virtual machinewe created and the persistent disk. as i do that, let's make acalculation about how much this whole test costs. we'll start by deletingthe virtual machine. and the deletion processhas started. the current virtual machineprice for the type we use is 1.9 cents per hour.
we ran our server for around10 minutes, so our virtual machine usage cost 0.32 cents. the virtual machinehas been deleted. next, we'll delete thepersistent disk. the current persistent diskprice for 10 gigabytes is $1 per month, plus a feefor i/o operations. so our 10 minute usage costsroughly 0.002 cents. the networking cost associatedwith our tests are even less. so everything we just didon compute engine for
less than one cent. thanks for watching. now it's your turn. go try creating your owncloud-based web server on
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