graphic and web design certificate programs
hey everybody, this is mark, from pcclassesonline.com.i am super excited about today's class,â becauseâ i get to tell you about one of my favorite websites ever. it's called canva.com and i know a lotâ of you out there need to create graphicsall the time. you need to create graphics for things like an upcoming event. maybe youneed to make a poster. maybe you need to make an image for you website, or maybe you justneed to make a picture to post onâ facebookâ for something. either you don't haveâ somethinglikeâ photoshop, because it's too expensive or too complicated, or maybe you just needto getâ done faster and easier than that. canva is a great option for you. i think you'regoing to really like it.â today, i'm going to teach you make a slide or an image fora family camp out for a church, just to use
it as an example. as we walk through makingit real quick, you're going to learn how easy it is to use canva. let's just jump rightinto it.â the very first thing that you want to do isyou want to go to canva.com and when you get there it's going to ask you to make an account,so go ahead and do that. after you get done making your account, then it gives you theoption here at the top to create a design. now, what it wants to do is it wants to findout what kind of design you're trying to create and then it's going to set up your canvasor yourâ work spaceâ in the right pixelâ dimensionsâ for whatever you're trying to make. for example,if you’re trying to makeâ aâ social media item, it's probably going to be 800 by 600,or maybe if you want to make a slide presentation,
it's going to be 1024 by 768 and so on, sothere's a poster in facebook cover and facebook post instagram. just in case you think there'sonly six, check this out, click more, and there are all kinds of other options for youto choose, there's us letter and presentation, and letterhead, and posters, and food anddrink menus, business cards,â youtubeâ channel and on and on and on.â you can pick something that they've alreadymade or they've already set up for you to get a really great start on it. however today,what we're going to do, is we're going to create a slide for a projector in a churchauditorium and we already know that's going to be a specific pixel size, so we're goingto go up here, and we're going to click this
right here, used custom dimensions, and we'regoing to type in the pixel's width andâ heightâ that i need. now, i want to stop here for justsecond, because, a lot of people that iâ work with need to create images for their website,maybe for a slide or a header image. this is where you would go to type in theâ dimensionsâ thatyou need to use that's specific for your website. when you comeâ here, click on "used customdimensions" and type in those pixels dimensions here.â in this case, i'm going to do 1920 by 1080,and i'm going to click design, and then it's going to open up a canvas for me to startworking on. we're just going to start right here. the first thing i'm going to do is i'mgoing to shrink down the canvas just a little
bit on the zoom level so i can see a littlemore, but down here on the bottom left corner, you can click this minus or plus, so thatyou can see a little bit more of it. the first thing i want to do, is i want to add my backgroundimage. so, what you do, to add a background image, is you go to either uploads, if youwant to upload a picture you already own, or you can search from their over one millionimages, and you can use one of theirs and you can buy it from them. their pictures arejust a dollar aâ piece, so it's going to be really hard to beat that anywhere.â for example, i'll stop for a second, let'ssay you need to do camping. let's see if there's actually any good images here, i haven't tried,let's see what comes up. look at this, so
you can use this image right here, this one'sfree. if you click on it, it's going to drop right into this area and all you would dois drag the corners and make it fill your whole space, that's a great option. you cango through any one of these, and these are only a dollar a piece. when you use one ofthese, let's say you click on it, it's going to have this water mark on it and that watermarkis going to be there, but when you go to download it and when you're all done, at that pointyou can buy whatever pictures you have chosen and the watermark will not be there anymore,so that's how that works. in this case, i'm, going to go toâ uploadsâ andi'm going to use this picture that i've already uploaded, put it rightâ here, and i'm goingto grab these corners and i'm going to drag
the corner out and i'm going to see how bigi want this, let me go a little bit past the edges here. i probably want it something like,i don't know, something like that, then i'll click off of it and that's pretty good, ilike that. now, i'm going to add some large text, right up in here, i'm going to say familycampout, right there.â what i would do next is go over to text, overhere on the left, click text, and it gives me these three basic options, maybe a header,then a subtitle and then a little bit of body text.â all that's doing is going to -- wheni click on it, it's going to through some text over there in a premade size, but i canchange everything about it that text, it's just is a quick way to get there. i'm goingto click add text, and as you see, it adds
this text that's grey and i'm not even surewhat font that is, but we're going to change that in just a minute. i'm going to drag itup here in this area where i'd like to put it. i'm going to click on it, and i'mâ goingâ totype, familyâ campout, and i actually do want it on two lines, soâ i'mâ actually going tohit enter in between.â that's good. then, what i'm going to do, is i'm going to changethe color to white, so i'm going to select all of it and then go up here and click thislittle, pick a color option. you can either pick some pre-chosen colors here, or if youclick the plus button, you can choose whatever color you want anywhere in here. just findthe color you want. if you happen to know the color code, you can actually put in thecolor code there.â
in this case i just want it white, so i'mgoing to go up here and i'm going to click white, and then the next thing i want to dois i want to change the font, and i also want to center it, and i want to change the spacingbetween the two lines. so, let's choose a different font, i think i -- there's one inhere, i think it's called, permanent marker, so i'm going to go down to p and choose permanentmarker, that's good.â then i want to make it larger so, i'm goingto go up here to, â this font size, click here, and i'm going to choose something like,like, i don't know, 80 perhaps...well, that might be a little big. let's go down to 72,that's pretty good. i'm going to drag it over a little bit, and now i want to center it,so i'm going to hit this down arrow here,
and want to go -- see, right now it's on left,and then there's center and then right. i'm going to choose center.â then i want to make these two lines closerto each other, so i'm going to choose this option called, text spacing, and then youcan choose -- you can change the space in between each letter, and you can also changespace in between each line. if you see here, if i click and drag this, you're going tosee this right here is going to get closer together. i want it pretty close, so i'm goingto do something like, i don't know, maybe there, that's good. i will drag it a littlebit farther over there, that's great.â now, i want to add the date and some otherinformation underneath this, so i'm going
to go over here and i'm going to click, addsubtitle text, and just like before it added it in there. now, here's a little key, ifyou click away from the item, so it's not selected anymore, now you see the backgroundis selected, here, i'm going to click off of it, and then when nothing is selected,when i role over this text, it turns into the four way arrow, then i can drag it. yousee that? if it's actually -- let's say the background is selected like this and i tryto drag the text, by back -- oh it actually worked, never mind. sometimes it grabs thebackground and moves it instead, so just be careful what you're actually grabbing there,in that case it worked great. another little feature i love is when i'mdragging it over here, it automatically gives
me that guideline and it kind of pops to thatguideline, and shows me that it's centered below the text above, and that's really nice.so, i'm going to edit this, i'm going to say, i don't know, june 5th through the 7th, 2015.i'll highlight all of that, i'm going to center it again, and then i'm also going to changethe color and the font. now, for this particular one, i think i want, there's one up here,i'm going all the way to the top and i'm going to do this one called aleo. then i want it a little bolder, so i'm goingto go down here and see there's a bold option right here and the italics, underline, andthat kind of thing. i'm going to choose bold, and i want to make it -- i want to it likea yellow. i'm going to try to kind of mimic
one of the yellows in this tent over here,i'm not going to be real exact, but i'm going to kind of guess over there. i'm going toclick the little plus arrow here and i'm going to find a yellow that might be in here, andthat's good enough for now. i'll click off of that.â i want to make it a little bigger also, soi'm going to go here and i'm going to choose, let's see how big. maybe something like, 36,we'll see, yeah, that's probably good, and we'll do it somewhere in there. then i wantto then do some more subtext, so there's two ways to do it, i can either go over here andadd subtitle text again,or i can click on this one and then hit the down arrow here,and i'm going to go down here to copy, and
that way it'll already choose the same fontthat i'm already using and it'll get me a little farther ahead.â i'm going to choose copy, and it puts anotheroption -- another copy of it of it out there and drag it right below it. i'm going to double-clickon here, i'm going to change it back to white, and you guys can see where i'm going here.i'm going to change it to a light version, and i'm going to make it quite a bit smaller.actually you know what? i'm going to make this, i'm going to make bold like the otherone,â becauseâ i'mâ going to put the location here. you see it's already bold, okay good,so i'm going to say, i'm going to call it, mahogany groove group site, that's where it'sgoing to be located. maybe i'll go down here,
maybe a little bit farther down, and theni'm going to copy this again, and i'll drag it below here, and i'm going to go ahead andspeed up the rest of this to show you how i do the rest of it, so you don't have towatch it all in real time, but i think you'll pick up the little keys, because i'm justdoing the same thing over and over. [music] all right, there's one more thing i want toshow you here, and that's how to add a logo down here in the bottom left. now, in thiscase, this is something important. i've uploaded the logo for this particular church alreadyinto my uploads area, because it has a transparent background. so, any item that has a transparentbackground, you'll be able to through it right
on top of another image. unfortunately at this time, canva cannot createa transparent background for you so; right now you have to that some other way. i'veheard that that option is coming, but for now it's not there, at least at the time ofthe recording. i'm going to go to uploads and i'm going to grab this particular logoright here, and you see that it has a transparent background, already. i can just drag it rightdown here and re-size it a little bit and there we go. that's pretty much done, so it looks greatand all i have to do now, and by the way you see it's always saving my work at all times,so don't have to even worry about that, but
if i would like to download it, i go up hereto the download button, and click that, and then i have two options, download as an image,which actually is a png, in terms of the format. unfortunately you can't choose other itemsor other formats at this time. maybe that will be in the future, like a jpeg or something,but for now, you can download it as an image or a png, sorry i didn't actually mean toclick that. the other option is to download it as a pdf. when you click that it's preparing your designand at that point, if you had used any pictures that you need to purchase, it would give youthe option to purchase them. then it automatically opens up to where i want to save it, i'veactually done this before, so i'm going to
call this, family campout 3, and it has savedit for me and i'm all done. if i'd like to share it on facebook, i can post it directlyfrom or tweet it out, or send it as an email to one of my friends. that's pretty much it,so hopefully you've enjoyed learning how to use canva. i think it's great. there is somany other things built into it that i didn't show you today, but hopefully this will giveyou enough information get rolling and start making pictures of your own. if you've enjoyed today's class there arethree things that you can do that would really help us be able to keep classes like thisfree for everybody. the first thing you can do is, like this video, you can also subscribeto channel so you get notified every time
a new class comes out. the third thing youcan do is visit our website at pcclassesonline.com. have a great day, until next time, class dismissed.
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