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so, how to create an awesome online coursein 60 minutes. thank you, everybody, for being here, and you probably want to grab some penand paper because there's a lot of information that's going to be coming to you like a firehose, my friends, and you may be overwhelmed. it's okay. sixty minutes to explain is probablygoing to be not enough or maybe because i'm not sure. turn your cell phones off. don'tget distracted, and stuff, right? because if you do, then you'll probably miss somecrucial information that is going to be very important for you in order for you to createonline courses, right? now first of all, are you excited? because this is the first webinarever for grumo. boom, i am super excited because i love to do new things and this is a newthing. i've been the last three months, doing
a lot of new things and this is one of them. so what am i going to teach you? what it takesto be a successful online instructor, how to break down your knowledge into an outline,all the software and hardware required to record your courses, how to record, edit,and upload your lectures, self-hosting versus course marketplaces, how to get your firststudents in 60 minutes. and then if we have some time, i'll be happy to answer any ofyour questions, q&a, and of course, if you stay until the end of the webinar, i havea gift for you, so you'll want to stick to the end. i know some of you probably have to go becauseof work or whatever, but for those that stick,
which i know who you will be, because gotowebinar is going to tell me, it's that smart. i will know. i'll give you a present. beforewe start, i just want to give you a little bit of background story on myself. if youdon't know who i am and you're wondering, "why the heck am i listening to this guy?"it's always good to know who is that person on the other side of the world or of the camera.so my name is miguel hernandez, and i've been teaching on udemy and on my own for almostfive years. i've got 9 courses, 18,000 students. so i was one of the original udemy instructors,but i'm extremely happy with the platform. things are changing dramatically with udemy.so if people need to adjust, they need to learn other strategies, and what i've beentrying to do is learn great marketing strategies
in the last three months, and this is partof the whole process. also you can see a bunch of logos here in the background. these areclients of mine, of grumo media, my company. we've been creating explainer videos or marketingvideos for all these companies, and hundreds of other companies, and it's been a hell ofride. it's been super fun, right? so if you want to know more about myself,just type "miguel udemy" or "miguel grumo media," and you'll be able to have a lot ofinformation about myself. i was born in spain, i came here to canada 20 years ago, when iwas 19 years old, which makes me almost 40. in my head, i'm about 12 or 13, but in thebody, i'm supposed to be 39, and so let's get on this. the first question is like you'rehere. i imagine you want to create an online
course. my question is why do you want tocreate an online course? start always with why because if you don't know the why, thenyou're not going to go in the right direction. so the first thing is let's make this a binarydecision. right? you're either doing this because you love it and you want to createan impact, you want to touch people's lives with your knowledge across the world, whichyou can do nowadays with online teaching, or you're going to do this because of themoney. all right? i'm not going to tell you which one is better or not. money's a greatmotivator. money makes us get up in the morning and go to our crappy jobs and work for manyhours. also it gets us excited about many things. but i'm going to tell you creatingonline courses is a craft, and to do them
well, it takes time and a lot of effort, andif you're just doing it for the money, trust me, you're going to suffer. i originally did it because i was very curious,and i like to teach, but i also was very excited about the money part, right? i've done verywell, and it's been amazing, i want to keep doing this. but what has really made a differencein my life is the impact that i have been able to have on those 18,000 people, not allof them obviously. but i hear stories every day of people that have taken my courses,maybe an animation course, and they started their own animation studio. maybe my how tocreate an awesome online course, and for the first time in their life, they were able tomake extra cash. like last year when i went
to spain and i met 12 of my students there,they all had amazing stories of how learning these new skills, like this photographer. in spain, the economy is really crappy. hewas making about 1000 euros a month, and that year alone, he had made 14,000 euros sellingcourses on photography, and he did that. so he made the same salary in one year sellingonline courses, after taking my course, and he was so glad. and stories like that is whatmotivates me to spend hours creating these courses, and why am i doing this today? it'sbecause i want to make sure i can have an impact on you, and that you can have an impacton other people. having said that, i think your passion should be the number one reasonwhy you want to create an online course, and
of course, money is also important, right? so to be able to have an impact and make money,first you have to know what it takes to be a successful online instructor, all right?and there are many, many variables, and unfortunately when you take online courses or people teachyou how to create online courses, they're only showing you a little piece of the wholepicture of what it takes to be successful. creating the online course is just one part,and the big picture really is you, an instructor, with some knowledge. you're going to packageit in a course, and you're going to try to reach students, and teach them something.so you and your course is the product. the students is the market, product, market.
now, the main issue here is that for you tobe able to make a difference, you have to be able to attract those students, reach thosestudents. so you're going to provide value. you're going to make money in return, butyou have to be able to reach these students, and for that, you need marketing. so there'sbasically four main variables and all four must work. if they don't, you're not goingto be successful. so if you're just thinking that by creating a course, it doesn't matterhow good it is, you're not going to be successful, and let me just tell you what's here. andthis is the thing, today i'm focusing on course creation, but remember that it's just onepart of the equation. actually a very small part of the equationto be successful, and i want all of you to
be successful, so it's very important thatyou listen to this. so you, your course, marketing, and the marketing outcome. if you're a badinstructor, you're boring, or you're not passionate about teaching, it's unlikely you're goingto do a good course, even if you're really good on marketing, and if you have a market,if there are students. the same thing if you're a really good teacher, but your course sucks,it doesn't really matter if you're really good at promoting it or there are studentsthat want to take it because it's going to be a failure. if you're a great instructor, you have a greatcourse, but you don't know how to reach your students, what happens to a lot of great instructors,you're going to fail as well. if you're a
great instructor, you have a great course,you have great marketing, but nobody wants or cares about your course, you're going tofail, too. all four factors, you, course, marketing, and market have to be good, inorder for you to succeed. now let's talk about what it takes to be successful or what makesall of these four things successful. what are the variables, right? so for you, 10,and there are many others, but i chose the 10 main variables i think that will make youa successful instructor, and if any of them don't work, your chances of success are goingto be lower, right? you must have passion for teaching. if you don't like teaching,if you don't like to stand behind a camera for hours delivering your knowledge, you'regoing to fail.
if you don't care about the subject, and you'rejust teaching it because you think this is a subject that is hot or trendy, you're goingto fail or you're going to suffer because you're not doing something that you love.if you try to teach something you don't have enough experience on, you're going to fail.you have to gather the experience. if you don't have any teaching skills, you may bevery passionate about teaching, but you suck about teaching because you don't deliver,you don't show passion when you're teaching, you don't know what it takes to teach people,you're going to fail. if you don't know to create a course, you're going to fail. ifyou don't know how to market your course, you're going to fail. if you don't have anycredibility, people are going to be like,
"why should i listen to you?" it's going tobe hard for people to listen to you. if you don't have an existing audience, it's goingto be hard. if you already have a knowledge in socialmedia or you have a list, it's going to be a lot easier for you to get started. if youdon't have this, you have to start working on it right away. if you don't have a network,if you don't have mentors that you look up to or that can help you, if you're not wellconnected or you don't have contacts that can help you, it's going to be hard, and ifyou don't have a team. at the beginning it's very unlikely you're going to have a team,but eventually if you want to grow past the six figure mark a year, you're going to needpeople that help you recording, and uploading,
or doing marketing, or technical design. right now actually we're hiring a team todo marketing for our new course that is coming up, and we're spending a lot of money becauseif we would try to do that ourselves, it would take way too long. at the beginning, you won'thave a team, but having a team is really, really important. now what is your score from1 to 100? for each of these factors, give yourself 0 to 10. the closer you are to 100,the more likely that you can be a successful instructor. but it's not just about coursecreation skills, right? now for a course to be successful, is it well structured? is iteasy to consume? does it have additional resources? the course platform, is it easy to use, youhave the right features, it has beautiful
designs, it can integrate with other softwareor payment systems? is it priced correctly? do you offer payment plans? has the titlebeen tested? do you have great copy and design? copy onlineis so, so important. can you create a sales page that is convincing, that gets peopleto buy? have you recorded a promotional video that is high quality, convincing, and convertswell? do you have testimonials that can show proof of your results? can your students gethelp from other peers? do you support? do you give one-on-one support over the phone,help and advice on top of just your course? do you have guarantees, like a refund policy?all of these things are important. what's your score when you create a course? hopefullyit's very high, i hope. now marketing these
things is valuable, there is also can youget traffic to your course? do you understand what a funnel is? do you have a high convertingfunnels in place? are you building that and collecting email addresses? are you automating, and building trust, andusing email automation? are you leveraging and growing your social media? are you generatinghigh quality content regularly with content marketing? do you know how to generate highquality paid traffic? do you have an affiliate program? how do you develop strong relationshipsin your industry? are you tracking everything, conversions, operating expenses? marketingis a huge part of being successful online and other people disregard it, don't understandit, and if you don't understand this piece,
forget it. you're not going to be successful,boom. what's your score right here? and finally market, it doesn't matter if youknow marketing and your course is awesome if there's not an actual market. have youstudied your market? do actual people want what you offer? is it growing or is it somethingas exciting as artificial intelligence, or drones, or virtual reality, or augmented reality?stuff that is really growing, you know if you start today in the next five years, thedemand for it is going to be great. is there competition? you actually want competitionto exist because that validates the market problem. are you really solving a real worldproblem? do you know what resources your potential students want to obtain?
do you know the demographics, geographics,psychographics, behavior, the lifestyle of the people? do you really have an idea ofthe customer avatar? do you know exactly who are the people that would love to learn fromyou? finally, do you know where they hang out online? what do they like? this is veryimportant, because let's say you do advertising, you really need to know who's your targetmarket. if you don't, you're going to waste so much money on ads, it's not even funny.so you must get this thing right in order to be a successful online instructor, right?basically what i'm telling you is that today i'm just teaching course creation skills.that is only 5% approximately of what it takes to be successful. so don't think you're goingto create a course, and you're going to make
$100,000 the first year unless you figureout all the other moving parts or you hire people to figure out all the other movingparts. creating a course is fun, but it's just onepart of the equation, and that's just the part i'm going to try to cover right now.by the way, this is actually a course that was originally 10 hours long, i'm just cramminga bunch of stuff in 1 hour. so hopefully you're taking notes and having lots of fun. all right,so online production stages. the first thing you're going to have to do is research yourtopic. i'm sure you know some of it, but it's important to just refresh your knowledge,and then you're going to create an outline. then based on that, you're going to createthe presentation slides. you're going to record
the lectures, edit the lectures, encode thelectures, upload the lectures. recording and all of this stuff is quite a bit of work. and then you're going to add type to somedescriptions, create a sales space, create a course thumbnail, record a promo video,create quizzes, create worksheets, create a certificate. now certificates, people reallylike to get certificates because they really incentivize them to finish the course, toget that piece of virtual paper, and you've got to set a price. all of these things taketime. they have to do be done right. today we're just going to focus on from two to sevenbecause there's not really time to go over all the other things. so we're going to focuson that. let's go. boom, is everybody here?
are you guys listening? are you enjoying this?come on. this thing can change your life. it has changed my life. creating online courses, it's a tremendouslyfast growing market, online education. trust me, you want to get on it as soon as you can.learn it, love it, and if you don't love it, don't do it, because you're going to suffer.anyways, moving on, moving on, creating your course outline. i enjoy this part a lot becauseit's like when you come up with ideas for startups, or companies, or apps, all you haveto do is write down stuff and think how you're going to change the world from your keyboard,but basically this is how it works. before you create the outline, you have some knowledgein your brain. you're going to do some research.
you have some experiences. this is calledempirical knowledge, so you've actually experienced this, or you just learn it through books,through seminars, through whatever. that knowledge is going to help people get results. now before you create the outline, very importantto think what is the impact that you want to have, and it has to be very specific. doyou want to teach people how to create courses? do you want to teach people how to createan animation, how to dominate a specific software? you want to make sure that you understandreally what the results that you want to get in people, and i don't know if that's properenglish. my english sucks, okay? sorry. it happens when you are a foreigner, but youknow what i'm talking about. think about the
results. now once you've done all the researchand all of that, this is where the brain dump or downloading happens. this is one of miracles of nature that we'reable to do that, and we can actually package our noise into a digital format and changepeople's lives. that is amazing, my friends. so what you're going to do is you're goingto list all the possible lectures, everything that you can about that specific topic, alwaysin mind, ask yourself, "is this actually helping me?" or, "is it going to help my studentsget the results that i want?" then you're going to group all these lectures into modulesand sections, right? you can do it the other way too. sometimes you're thinking, "okay.these are the main steps to get there, and
i'm going to break all of those steps intochapters or lectures." either/or works, but this is the process, grouping and listing. now on top of that, once you've created allyour modules and list all your lectures, you want to enhance the course, based on feedbackideally with worksheets, create frameworks, create studies, quizzes, bonuses, all of that.we're creating a new course right now, and i'm going to tell you about it later. in ourbonus sections, we've brought some of the top extras in marketing in north america atleast. and it's awesome because if people want to dig further, now they can take thosebonus materials and enhance their experience, always with results in mind. really it islike, these online courses usually don't take
100 hours to take. the average course is anywhere from four tosix hours, so think what you can teach in four to six hours of content that will getyour students from a to b in the most efficient way. so anything that is not helping themto get to that very specific goal, b, should be removed because this about getting yourstudent from a to b in the most efficient way in four to six hours. what can you teachin four to six hours that can make a huge difference in people's lives? next, to giveyou some ideas, because people are like, "well, how long should be my course? how many lecturesshould i have? what is the average course? how much money can i expect making about thecourse? how much should i charge for my course?"
all these crazy questions that make a lotof sense when you're starting out, i'm going to give you some ranges, and also what aresome numbers for the average course. when you're creating your outline, typically it'sgoing to have from 4 to 8 modules, 4 to 10 lectures per module. twenty to 80 lectures,5 to 20 minutes per lecture, 4 to 8 of work per hour of video. okay. this is very important,my friends, if your course is an hour long, it doesn't mean it's going to take an hourto make. it' s going to be, probably 4, 8, 10 times more work in order to get that hourof video, and we're go over exactly what i'm talking about later on in the presentation,and by the way make sure you stick to the end because there's a gift for you. and howcan you charge per hour?
typically anywhere from $5 to $100 per hour,and this is also a very important topic to understand in order to know how to price yourcourse, how much you can charge per hour of content, of video content. i'm assuming thatmost people that create online courses today, they do it by delivering mainly video, a videopresentation, right? so at the end when you add all this up, the typical course is 1 to20 hours long, and it can between 4 and 160 hours of work, not including marketing, andyou can charge anywhere from $20 to $2000. so the average course, it usually has 5 modules,5 lectures per module, 25 lectures. the lectures are about 10 minutes long, andthey could be longer. i'm just talking about averages here, and it takes about 6 hoursof work to create 1 hour of video, and you
ideally in a perfect world, should be ableto charge around $50 per hour of video. this means that the typical course is about 4 hourslong. it takes about 24 hours to create, and you can charge $300 for it. that's not bad.now this is only if you're hosting. if you're using a marketplace, charging this amountof money, it's getting harder and harder every day as we're experiencing quickly what iscalled a democratization of online education. so if you want to be able to charge more thanwhat people usually pay on marketplaces, you have to get really good at marketing. so how many sales do you need to recoup yourinvestment? well, let's say that you pay yourself $50 an hour and you spend 24 hours doing thecourse, times $50 per hour, you need to make
at least $1200 in sales in order to recoupyour investment. now if you divide that by $200 per course that you sell, you need todo 4 sales only, and this seems fantastic. you can get four sales and after that everythingis profit? yes, more or less it depends if you can sell them for $300, and first, youneed to get those 4 sales, but getting 4 sales, let's say in a couple months, is actuallysomething that almost 90% of the world should be able to do. and the beauty of online coursesis that after that, you can start thinking about what everybody loves which is passiveincome. i'm going to tell you something. the lastfive years, i've made almost the same amount of money selling online courses than workingmy ass off creating videos, but i've put 100
times more efforts trying to run a service-basedcompany than selling online courses. that's something that is really exciting, trust me,pretty amazing. okay. next, creating your online course outlines, so this is an outline,boom, boom, boom. it's just a document, and i would start it this way. write down thegoal, how you're going to deliver it, what's the price that you have in mind, and thenwrite down the five or seven modules, the title of the module, and a description ofthe module. just to give you an idea, this is how i'mdoing it for my new course, right? and that way, i have an idea, and then i can breakit down. what i do, and i love to do this, and i really recommend that you do this. thatonce you have that, to track your progress,
open a google spreadsheet or use excel, whateveryou want, and on the top row, list your chapters, modules, whatever you want to call them. undereach heading of each column, so that's then the...let me go back. so here, then you listall your lectures. then i use colored coding, and the beauty of this is that you can seeyour entire course here, and you can see the progress. so every time i finish a course,a lecture, i just mark it in a different color. in this case i'm using orange, and then iknow what have i accomplished, and what do i have left to be accomplished, to record.i've been using this for all my courses, and i think it's great. you could use project management software.the thing is that you won't be able to see
your entire course easily. in a google sheetlike this, you get to see your entire progress, once you've laid out your outline, and youcan always edit, delete, just work on it as you keep creating the course. perfect, nowlet's get into the actual tools of the trade that we online instructors use. and the beautyof this is that today we live in a very unique time where technology allows us to createcourses with just a laptop that has a webcam and two pieces of software, keynote or screenflowif we're using a mac. and this is the most basic solution. you could go for free presentationsoftware, free screen recording software, but really if you are serious about this,i suggest you invest on a laptop. it doesn't have to be a mac because macs arevery expensive, i know. but i just love them,
and i've been using them for the last eightyears and they work fantastically well. keynote is $14 only and screenflow is $100. you canget free trials for screenflow at least. i hope you can spend $14 in keynote. it's anamazing presentation tool. this is the exact setup i'm using right now, and this is goingto set you back about $1100 bucks, and now you can become an online instructor and hopefullymake a killing online. now if you own a windows machine, the same setup is maybe going tobe cheaper. i just looked at the price of the software yesterday, and actually powerpoint,which is the equivalent of keynote, is a whole lot more expensive at $100 bucks, and camtasiawhich is the screen recording software that you use to record your screen is $300 bucks.that's very expensive. that's for windows.
the version for mac is $99 because they areoften in direct competition with screenflow. so about $1000 bucks to start teaching online.if you already have a laptop that's not too old, it's going to be a couple hundred dollarsto be able to teach online. now if you want to take this to the next level because thisis the basic setup, this is what i want to get, and this is what i use or what most instructorsuse is this setup. so you're going to have your laptop, your presentation software, yourrecording or screen casting software, and by the way this software, screenflow and camtasia,are also video editing softwares. because one thing is recording your screen. the otherone is editing your video. those are two different things, and some software only does the firstone, and then you have to get a different
software to edit your video. so you can use quicktime to record your screen,but then you cannot edit your video. so you want to get a software that allows you todo both, and screenflow and camtasia are super easy to use. i'm going to show you a littlebit of the settings that i use later on. i'm not going to into much detail because we don'thave time for it, right? so a webcam, so if you want to enhance your setup, get a webcam,get some audio equipment, and some lighting equipment. make sure that you look prettyand you're illuminated properly. now that's going to be about $1400 bucks. these are pricestaken from amazon.com. literally these are u.s. dollars taken from amazon.com yesterday.
now the best camera out there that everybodyraves about for recording online courses is called the logitech c920. there are newerversions, but this one is still for most people, the best one because it can record in highdefinition. it's $65 bucks. a great microphone is the audio-technica at2020, a great fantasticmicrophone. the blue yeti is a very popular one for $120, a little bit cheaper. this isthe more expensive version, which is the blue yeti black version yeti or black edition.the one that i'm using right now because i'm a cheapo is the one that was recommended byudemy which is called the samson go mic. that's the exact microphone i'm using right now.hopefully i'm not chewing your ear or destroying your ear drums too much with that microphoneright now. but the quality is amazing. i don't
know about through live streaming, but whenyou're recording a course, it's amazing. it's only $40 bucks. it can come to your home, if you have amazonprime, in a couple days you can have that at home for $40. that's all you need. that'sgoing to be about $1400, and now you're starting to look like a pro. my recording setup lookslike this. i'm at my desk. my laptop is raised and then that's my laptop. a light, i havea soft box. i have lights. by the way, the light, i use daylight bulbs. if you look atthem, this says the temperature, and it should be like 51-100 kelvin. anything before thatis indoor lighting is yellowish. you want the daylight one so it looks more professional.now i use a wall. everybody has a wall. i
have a wall and hopefully you have two wallsor four walls that you're living in and then you need yourself. this is how i've been recording for four yearsof my courses. now that there's more competition, you want to look better, you want to do alittle bit of investment. all i've invested on is a logitech c920 webcam and the samsongo mic, and that's my setup. that's all you need to get started. lecture production, youguys, i'm moving really fast here. i know this is probably already a lot of informationand i don't even know how long i've been doing this. but this is what it takes to createonline courses, and you came here to learn it, and i'm delivering the goods. so keeplistening. i'll try to make this recording
available, so you can go back and forth anddon't miss a single piece of this because every single part is very important, all right? i'm taking a breather. three, two one, breather,let's go. lecture production, recording, editing, and encoding. this is a very tedious partof creating online courses, but very important to understand. so just a course recordingstyle first, and there is seven styles that i'm going to share with you. the ramit sethistyle, no, that's not his style, but he's a very famous online educator as well. talkinghead, whiteboard, ameer rosic, my friend with a whiteboard. don martel, here you see a flatscreen tv. you've got brandon bouchard. maybe you've heard of him. these guys make millionsselling online courses.
you can use a paper easel. i think that'show you say it. amy porterfield doesn't like to be on camera. she uses slides and voiceover over the slides. my favorite online instructors of all time who doesn't charge for his courses,and he's changing literally the world, so i'm really inspired by him. his name is salmankhan from khan academy. he just uses a tablet, a wacom tablet, and that's it, and a voiceover a tablet, and it's beautiful. thousands of videos, millions of people have learnedfrom him. what i use is a combination, webcam and slides. so i'm going to teach you my setupfor recording with this combination, slides and webcam. so this is keynote. now, sorryif you're not using a mac. i'll try to go quickly through it because this it's onlymac focused.
i'm teaching you what i use to teach, butsimilar things apply also to windows. so presentation settings, on keynote, you want to go wide,and this is very important, either you're using windows or macintosh, is that you wantto record a 16 by 9 aspect ratio, and the resolution is 1280 by 720 or 1920 by 1080,which is 16 by 9 aspect ratio, and both of those are standard high definition formats.you want to record your presentation on this aspect ratio so it fits nicely, like rightnow it fits nicely on your videos, otherwise you'll have cropping issues and black barsand stuff that you don't like. you want to look professional, this is the way to go. next, audio, audio is very, very important.you want to make sure that before you start
recording, you set your audio settings properly.make sure your audio input level bars are at about 80%, a normal speaking voice. youcan do this at systems settings, and then just go to audio, and then input. right nowas you can see, i selected a samson go mic, and that's the levels that i set, okay? veryimportant. screenflow, the screenflow settings, and if you're creating a new document, youcould start with the 1920 by 1080. either both presets we started, the 720 or 1080 aregoing to be fine. just remember that your webcam, it records at 720, at least if youget the logitech...oh, no. i think it records at 1080. maybe it does both. the mac, as far as i know, it records at 720.anyways, both of their settings in screenflow
are high definition which is great. now veryimportant, are you listening? if you're using screenflow because this is a trick that isreally, really useful. here i'm using the logitech c920. that's actually a video capturedfrom this. when you go to configure settings on screenflow just before you start recording,you take and configure settings. then you'll get that. but i use a trick, a trick thatsome people don't use, and it's that i use a software called iglasses. for $20 you cancontrol a lot of parameters of your webcam. you can control the exposure, the cropping,everything that you want basically. that way you can ensure that the framing, that thelighting, that everything looks great. it's $20.
it's a really good investment really becausethis is going to enhance the capabilities of your existing webcam, really multiply themby five. so that covers the screenflow settings. now screenflow editing topic. i'm not goingto teach you how to edit video. it's pretty straightforward, but that would take a longtime. but if you want to know one tip, it's to press t to cut clips on, once you record.so let me go back. once you record, your webcam on your screen, when you create an onlinecourse, you're going to get several layers of video. you're going to have to edit anddelete mistakes, rearrange things. just put your cursors whenever you want to cut a pieceof video because editing is literally just cutting. that's what you're doing. press ton it and boom, a cut is made, and you don't
have to go onto your menu, and try to do thismanually because it's going to take you forever. t is for cutting on screenflow. all right, next, we're moving along. if you'renot familiar with editing, when you edit every single...your webcam video and your screenvideo are recording two separate layers, you want to make sure that your webcam layerson top of your screen layer. that way people can see you. otherwise people won't see you,and then you can use t to cut your webcam, to delete it because you maybe don't wantto show your face all the time. this is, by the way one top tip, only show your face whenit makes sense, otherwise it's going to be distracting.
so if you're addressing your students, andit's important that they see your face, and they don't look at the screen, then turn yourcamera on screenflow, address your students. once you're done addressing your students,turn your camera off by editing. you don't have to literally turn it off, and then they'llbe able to see the screen, and you'll be able to make it more interactive, your face, thescreen, your face, your screen, right, more interactive. now video encoding optimal settings, theseare the typical ones. you probably don't have time to write it down, but if you type thaton google, you'll be able to find out. the important thing to know about here is whenyou're setting up settings for encoding, you
want to use h.264 or mpeg4, 5000 kilobitsper second, 16 by 9 high definition, 1080p or 720p, and the frame rate only varies. ifyou're using talking head or actual video of yourself, make sure you're always recordingat 30 frames per second. ten frames per second is only if you're showing your screen, likeamy porterfield does, because you don't need to have as many frames because there's nota lot of action happening. the advantage of this is your file will be smaller. but if you're thinking of showing your faceor your talking head at any moment, make sure you're using 30 frames per second, which isthe standard video frame rate. and for audio, what i use is aac audio at 441 kilohertz,192 kilobits per second stereo, and this is
how it looks on the settings. not importantright now, but i thought i'd mention it. recording the schedule, now how do you organize yourself?how do you organize yourself to do one of these courses? because it's a lot of work,so you must have some kind of plan. if you don't have an action plan, let me tell you,this is the main issue with most people that want to try and create online courses. ifthey get started, they don't finish. so obviously one of those factors that we were talkingabout, either passion for teaching or passion for the subject is not there. you must have the passion, the passion tobe able to do one of these things. so i'm going to give you an example of a weekly schedulefor what will be a course, a four-hour course
that probably in reality is going to takeyou longer. but let's say you can put four hours a day of work to record your course,and by the way, recording a course is like making a movie, so there is pre-production,production, and post-production. so in pre-production you're going to create your outline and theslides. in production you record your lectures, and in post-production you're going to editthem, encode them, and upload them. so here we have a week, seven days, monday, tuesday,wednesday, blah, blah, blah. so let's say you spend 12 hours creating youroutline and slides, you're probably going to spend about eight hours recording yourlectures and eight hours editing, encoding, and uploading. this obviously may vary dependingon your content, your experience doing this.
but let's say that if you're really fast,and this is if you're really fast, i think you can do it this way. all right, i'm veryslow unfortunately because i put too much time on creating the slides, but if you putless time, then you may be able to pull it off, and what you're going to get is a 4-hourcourse in 28 hours of work. remember, if you create a four-hour course, it doesn't meanit's going to take you four hours to create. no, my friend, it's going to take you a lotlonger. it's going to take you maybe 50 hours, sometimes 100. i have students, and i wishi had more time to mention case studies because i obviously have hundreds of them. i got astudent the other day, sends me a course. he did a course on virtual reality and hetold me spent 10 to 15 hours per hour of course.
that's insane, the amount of work the guyis putting in order to create his content, but obviously it's going to be amazing. whatdo we have next? hosting your course versus self-hosting, so self-hosting versus marketplaces.now let me see how are we for time here? i cannot really see this. oh, wow. my goodness,we're almost in the hour. thanks so much for sticking out. as you can see, teaching youhow to create this is not easy. but self-hosting versus marketplaces, thisis very important that you listen to it because it's going to be fundamental in the successof your career as an online instructor. so please listen carefully because things arechanging dramatically in the landscape of online education, and this is what you wantto listen to, and i'm pressing click here,
move forward, computer. self-hosting versusmarketplaces, the pros of self-hosting is you own the email addresses of your students. you can charge as much as you want to. themaximum people can usually charge for online courses is $2000 which maybe seems like alot, but if you're providing a lot of value, it's not that much. so that means you cancharge up to $100 per hour of course. that's fantastic. you keep everything and you keepall the revenue, except credit card processing fees, which is great. you keep 100% of everysale. the cost is you're going to pay for hosting fees. if you're using a course hostingplatform, they'll charge you a monthly fee typically, and plus they take some extra feeson transaction fees. so you're going to have
to pay for that. the main issue of self-hosting is that youhave to do the marketing yourself, and as you're going to see now doing your marketingyourself is a lot of work. now marketplaces pros is that there are no hosting fees. themarketing is done for you. the cost is that proof of process can be so frustrating. themaximum you can charge, it depends on the platform. but let's say on udemy it's $50,which for a lot of instructors has been a big blow. because they were charging likeme $300, and now their courses are worth or at least on the marketplace 10 times less,10 times less, my friends, in 10 hours. so you can charge an average of $10 per hourof course. the biggest issue if you want to
succeed online is that you don't have accessto the email addresses. that really sucks, and they keep 50% of sales because they'reacting as an affiliate. obviously that's udemy. i don't know aboutother platforms. but so advantages of self-hosting, you have more control. you're going to makemore money or at least you can charge more money if you know how to do your own marketing.the main issue is cost, cost on hosting and on marketing costs. if you're spending moneyon facebook for ads or hiring people, it's going to cost a lot more money. but the potentialis way better, plus you don't rely on a third-party platform. the disadvantages of marketplaces,you have less control. you're going to be able to charge less money and probably makeless money. and the advantage is that the
cost, the starting costs are a lot less. plusyou don't have to do any of the marketing. got that? self-hosting platforms, we've got teachable.we've got thinkific. you can do it yourself on workbooks, like i've been doing, but iam moving to thinkific. both platforms are great. i'm very biased of thinkific becausei know personally the ceo of thinkific is an amazing guy. he lives in vancouver likemyself. i met him four years ago and personally i like thinkific more, but it's up to you.now skillshare, udemy, and now i'm going to plug in this. if you want to get a free monthof thinkific, the business level where you've got all the features, just to go grumo.com/thinkific.go to their support and say, "grumo sent me."
just say g-r-u-m-o and you're going to getability to access the business, i think they charge like $100 a month for that. for a monthfor free, it will allow you to test the waters with self-hosting, and save some money atthe same time. grumo.com/thinkific. grumo.com/thinkific. by the way, you cannot enter this. you haveto go to support. i was talking to greg smith this morning. you have to go to support andtell them that grumo sent you, and you'll get a free month off, fantastic, bombastic.let's move on. how to get your first students, so you're going to create this amazing course,and you think you're going to kill it. wait a moment. let's go back to this picture. so the wholepicture says that in order to be successful,
these four things must work. so you reallyhave to be good at marketing. so getting students is being really good at marketing. if yougo to a platform like udemy, they do the marketing for you. so that piece you don't have to worryabout. but as we mentioned, there's some disadvantages. now marketing, there's an acronym. it's calleda-i-d-a. what it basically means, attention, interest, desire, and action. so this is whatmarketing is. you want to create attention. people are going to be interested. they'regoing to desire your product, and they're going to take action and buy your stuff. nowthere's many, many ways of doing this and it can be extremely frustrating to learn it. i've been learning for the last four monthsfrom some of the top marketers in the world,
and i'm blown away about all the ways youcan make money online and sell courses. i'm just going to teach you one way, okay, guys?one way that you can sell courses online. so pay attention because this way is the mostpowerful way of getting your students. it does take a lot of work, but once you havethe machine in place, my friends, you can kill it selling stuff, and by the way, i'musing this machine right now as i speak. but i've seen it in use by all the top instructorsout there use this system. it's called the "webinar funnel." if you don't know what funnelis, it's just sets of strategies to build trust over a series of steps, so people aremore likely to buy. if you're going to use a funnel, let's sayyou have your courses, like i do right now,
and they just land on a page and there's nothing,just your courses, you're not going to sell peanuts. if you want to multiply what you'regaining right now by 10, or 20, or 100, you need to build a funnel. all right, so a funnellooks like this. first of all, you need to drive traffic. paid traffic is the fastestway, facebook, youtube, google ads. you're going to send that to a landing page. youcan build intake funnels on these pages. you're going to collect their email addresses, butyou're driving traffic with a little, what they call an ethical bribe. you're going togive them a little present, a gift, boom. it's going to be a pdf, or reports, or ane-book, or a mini-course, and in exchange for that present, they're going to give youtheir email address.
and now you can keep following up on them,and hopefully not bother them too much. obviously they can unsubscribe, if they don't like whatyou're doing. but the thing is that right after you give them the gift, you're goingto send them to a webinar. a goto webinar webinar like this, the one i'm doing rightnow. hangouts, google hangouts is free. goto webinar is not free, but it's a lot more powerful.if you want to do this, usually goto webinar is the way to go. there's others like webinarjam, many options. but anyways, on the webinar, you're goingto give them a lot of valuable tips, a lot of stuff like i'm doing right now, and atthe end, boom, you sell them something. there's a whole strategy on how to do webinars. there'sactually something called the perfect webinar
script. if you want to learn more about thesefunnels and stuff like that, you can go to digitalmarketer.com or clickfunnels.com. justtype ryan diess or russell brown, so anyways these people know what they're doing. doingwebinars is an art form, and once you get better at it, by the way this is my firstwebinar so i'm probably sucking, and i'm not following any of the steps, but webinar isthe best way. this is just like a live presentation, butyou're selling at the end, right? and then you sell them your course. you can use somecards, try some kind of payment system, and they buy your course or whatever you're selling.but typically in this case, it's going to be your online course, and if you do it thisway, you can actually charge more than 20
bucks. you should be able to charge anywherefrom 100 to 2000 bucks this way. so you want to get really good at this way if you wantto make money. if you don't want to make money, then don't do it. free traffic, so there'sanother way. free traffic, this takes more time, but thisis you blog a lot and you get found on search, social, and youtube, that's going to thenon your blog, you're going to have a form. an opt-in form, you collect their email addresses,and as soon as they collect the email addresses, guess what happens? boom, they go to youremail list. your email list is the holy grail of an online business. if you don't have onetoday, you're going to suffer in making money online. you must collect email addresses,and of course, they have to opt-in, and now
what you're going to do is provide a lot ofvalue. you can use mailchimp, aweber, convertkit,active campaign to collect all these email addresses. because of course, what you'regoing to do next is a sequence of emails where you're going to warm up this audience. you'regoing to provide a lot of value, so email once, then two and three, send them to videos,to content and stuff. you're warming up for them to eventually get to that webinar whereyou're going to sell to them. so this is the other side of the funnel through free traffic.there's a million variations of this. i'm just telling you the most effective one. nowthere's a very important factor here to understand. there's different types of traffic. there'scold traffic, warm traffic, and hot traffic,
and what i mean by that is cold traffic ispeople that don't know you yet, and typically paid advertising is people just you interruptand they see an ad. they're like, "oh, i'm annoyed. maybe it's interesting." but theydon't know anything about you. you haven't built trust with them. so what happens isthat now you have to build trust really fast on your landing page. and that's why thoselanding pages, usually i call them chorizo pages, are so long because they're tryingto build trust in just one page. and granted, it'll take you 20 minutes to read that thingin order for you to trust that person. so or you've got warm traffic. people found you. you didn't interrupt them. they found you.you had very interesting content on youtube.
youtube is a great strategy by the way. puta lot of free videos there related to your subject, and some people will like you, andthen you send them from youtube to your opt-in form, and then to the email list, to the emailsequence and to the webinar. social too, you can have a facebook fan base which allowsyou to collect, not collect email addresses, but collect lots of fans and then promotecontent, right? so warm traffic, now what you want to do, and the magic, if you wantto just take one thing away from this is that online you can build trust automatically.why? because with email automation, you can through a series of emails, build that trust. people get to know you. so you can convertthem from warm to hot. hot means now they
trust you. they like you. they're interested.you go into that whole aida thing, and now they're ready to take action. you take themto the webinar. you explain them more stuff. by this time, through the funnel only thepeople that were really interested are going to be at the end of the funnel. so don't expectyou send 100 people and 100 people come out at the other end. no, the whole thing is youwarmed them up through this email sequence. now next, okay so this is interesting. likei said, if the landing page right here, what it's doing, if you're sending them directlyto a landing page and then to a webinar, the landing page is what is doing the warming. but a great sales page, let's put it intoa sales page, is going to have proof, authority,
testimonials, a value, bonuses, everythingfor people to get to the...oh, sorry. the sales page should be somewhere else. but anyway,a landing page is something that has to be really well done in order to convert well,if you're sending cold traffic. because cold traffic doesn't convert well, and warm trafficis easier to convert, right? aida, so again, attention. we're talking about marketing,so in attention you're creating attention, and that attention, let's say somebody sawa facebook ad and is like, "oh, you got my attention." okay. then they go to your landingpage, "oh, that's sounds interesting, interesting. oh, my goodness, this is really cool. i'mgoing to get a present, and maybe i learn other stuff." desire and action, action happensat the very, very end.
well, we have action here to give you theemail address, and you have action here to buy your product, aida, the words that willmake you a load of cash. all right, self-hosting versus marketplaces, and i think we're gettingto the end. my god, time flies. time flies. okay. so thanks, guys, for being here. self-hostingversus marketplaces, a 10 hour course. let's say you're selling a 10-hour course. thisis what's going to happen. this is the reality of today. if you go to a marketplace and youwant to sell your 10-hour course, you're probably going to be selling it for $30 or $50 bucks.if you do self-hosting, you're going to be able to sell your course for 10 times moreat least. now which one do you think you should go to?
if you're lazy, then go to a marketplace.you can usually do all the strategy which is great, but you won't be able to chargeas much, i think as much value as you're providing on your online course. so you have to getgood at online courses. so how do you get good at online courses? you have to be reallygood at marketing. if you want to get really good at marketing, badabing, bam, boom, bam,you'll have to go here at grumo.com/webinar, right now because that's the next webinar.what i'm doing is creating a webinar. we're going to teach you next, what it takes tobecome a really good marketer in selling your online courses. and by the way, if you don'tget this piece right, there's no way you're going to be a successful online instructor.
so on top of all the variables that i said,this one is probably the most important. you have to create a great online course. youhave to become really good at marketing and understanding funnels, and for that, nexttuesday i think, for the first time we're going to do this is a webinar. we're goingto teach you the main strategies. we're going to dig a little deeper on the main strategiesof how to market your online courses successfully. grumo.com/webinar, only 25 spots, 25 spotsonly because this is the first one. it's a test webinar, so we don't just bring a lotof people, so the first 25 people get in. if you don't act right now, then you won'tbe able to get in. so if you want to learn more about online marketing, online marketingby the way sounds like such a boring thing,
but it gets really exciting. particularly once you understand the mechanicsof it, and if you want to be successful at teaching online, and not depending on marketplaces,you have to understand marketing whether you like it or not. so you may as well like itbecause it's not going to go away. so if you want to do so, go to grumo.com/webinar andthat's it, folks. the gift, okay somebody's asking me about the gift. so the gift is amagical gift that is going to show up in your inbox later today. for only those that stuckwith me up to here. how do i do this? well, magic. it's goto webinar magic. i can know.i have the ability to know if you stayed up to here or not, and if you did, you will automaticallyget a present, and it's a very unique present
because this is a present that's going toallow you to move forward, which is very important. because at the end of all this it's like,"why am i learning this?" i want you to take action really. if you want to create an online course, youhave to take action. so this is going to put some fire in your ass and get you to takeaction, right? finally, all i want to say is peace, love, and, and? cookies. cookie,cookie, cookie, cookie, cookie. questions and answers, anybody has any questions andanswers, you know it. by the way, i don't know how this question and answer works ongoto webinar. so if i don't see your questions, sorry. but in the meantime, you can just goto grumo.com/webinar and subscribe for the
amazing next presentation where we'll teachyou how to market your courses so you can actually have a chance of succeeding in thisnew world of online teaching. and we can help you reach a lot of people and make a difference. so there you go. any questions? any questions,questions, questions, questions? i can hear you. oh, my god. there's a million questions.i didn't even know. oh, my gosh, sorry, guys. let me try to answer a couple questions here.there's a million questions. all right, okay. oh, cool, "how can i help others overcomethe activation energy?" well, let me tell you that is the trickiest part of online education,how to get people to take action. so obviously your course has to be great.
but you can use quizzes to incentivize people.you can use drip lectures, so only release lectures once a week or something like that.you can do that with platforms like thinkific where they only...or you can say, "you onlyget to see the next lecture if you finish this lecture," something like that. there'smany ways of gamifying the whole experience in order to end up doing what you want. thereality, although it may seem sad, even if you do all the tricks in the world, some peoplewon't act at the end, because that's how the world works. there's nothing you can do. some people justdon't take action. your job is to do the best, don't be disappointed if people don't getto the end of your courses. the important
thing is that those that get to the end ofthe courses, you're actually making a difference on that. and i'm telling you after five yearsteaching, there's hundreds that have written to me that i met in person that i've beenable to make a difference in their lives, and that alone is worth the price of admission,right? "is there a different url to use?" i'm not sure what's that. "how can we as studentshelp you as someone who has helped so much?" oh, somebody wants to help me. well, go to grumo.com/webinar. i'm doing ahorrible job of selling my next webinar, by the way, and just to be 100% transparent becausei've never done this. if you're doing a webinar which you will have to do if you want to sellonline courses, there is a script that you
should follow. people say it's called the"perfect webinar script," and basically what you do at the end is get people so excitedthat they just open their wallets, and they throw $100 at your face. i'm not a hard seller,and i don't like to do that, but the reality is that you have to be able to learn how tosell if you want to make money online. this is the reality of life. on that webinar what we're going to do iswe're going to present you the next course that we're doing which is an amazing course,by the way, and probably i hope it's going to be the best course in the world, and i'mnot kidding, on marketing online courses. because i'm telling you i've been doing thisfor five years, i'm ready to go the extra
mile to make this course just mind blowinglygood. great stuff. hey, phil, let me know he's here in the house, "what is your thinkificwebsite?" i'm actually migrating all my courses through thinkific. all of them are livingon udemy and on my site, and now because i'm so in love with thinkific and greg is suchan amazing guy… greg smith has an amazing story. he used tosell online courses and then he created a platform, himself with his brother here invancouver, and basically i tested both teachable and thinkific, and i say hands down i wouldgo with thinkific. it may sound like a biased reason, but i actually did. i tested themboth, and i'm going to migrate all my courses to thinkific. "i learned a lot." "url doesn'twork." oh, fantastic. oh, no. "your average
course of 30, 18,000 so you made $270,000."actually the amount that i made because i sold them on udemy and on my own website isabout 400,000 bucks in the last 5 years. u.s. which is not bad. but for somebody who has created online coursesand has done no marketing whatsoever, i could basically buy a house with what i made online,teaching online, so that's pretty cool. "what automation platform do you use?" i'm usingconvertkit, but if you want to go…do you want to go the next mile? you want do thisseriously? go to use infusionsoft. a lot of people hate it, but it's extremely powerful.now only go that route when you're actually making money online because it's very expensiveand it takes forever to setup, but it's a
super powerful platform. okay, this is a good question. "what do youthink of the webcam with the macbook pro?" it's shite, and i don't know if it's my computer.but let me tell you, it gets worse every time. if you want to look somewhat professional,please do invest on a webcam, and the logitech c920 is the one you want to get. "what lightsdo i use? you mentioned the bulbs." now, you can just...i could put some links there, butbasically type "lighting kit" on amazon, and don't pay more than 200 bucks for a lightingkit. all you need is two soft boxes and that's it, and you're more than setup to go. "youjust went silent." that's not good. "i'm enjoying it."
"yes, i can hear you now." "we can hear you,[spanish 01:02:24]. that's in spanish. sorry. if i answer in spanish, nobody's going tounderstand. "is udemy a good platform to test our first online course?" yes, udemy is stillan amazing platform, and i love them, and i've been to their headquarters, and i knoweverybody there. they are amazing people, and really they're on a mission to createthe best online education platform in the world. but at the end, it is a marketplace.so in a marketplace, you're subject to the whims of the marketplace, and you have lesscontrol, and as i mentioned, less control not the ability to charge as much. so there's certain restrictions. however totest a course, if you don't want to do all
the marketing effort, udemy is probably handsdown the best place you can do so. you can either put a free course and test it. youcan charge $20 bucks for a course, and see what happens, and there's many strategiesyou can use to succeed on udemy. so go ahead, by all means, do so. now, unfortunately forpeople like me, i've got 9 courses there which were anywhere from 100 to 300 bucks, now thosecourses are basically slashed their price 10 times. so i'm not so happy about that.sales are about similar because, as you may know, udemy has been selling courses on flashsales weekly for the last five years, and basically educating people to pay only 20to 30 bucks anyways. so it's not really affected my sales that much, but that's the main issue,right?
"how can you have a student response be seenby their fellow students on a facebook page?" okay this depends on the platform. but typically,either on udemy, or thinkific, or teachable, there's a comment section where everybodythat comments on the lecture will be able to see each other's comments. udemy has donea great job of that, and they have the q&a section. obviously, like you mentioned here,a facebook page is a great place. the problem is that facebook page is not where the courseis hosted. a facebook page is a great addition and probably a must edition, a facebook courseslack to build a community of students that can help each other. and you should offer that if you want to beserious about really providing and serving
your students. it's not just the course itself.it's also opening a private or a secret facebook group where you invite all your students sothey can help each other. "what can i do with a solid one-hour chunk to myself to take actionimmediately on these ideas you've shown us here today?" okay, that's a great question,action. you know what? i'm going to tell you, for those that are sticking here, how youcan take action today. this is how you take action. the core of creating an online courseis creating lectures. you have to get good at it whether you likeor not. get good at creating lectures. so download all the software i told you, screenflow,camtasia, keynote, or powerpoint. use the free versions if you don't want to spend themoney. do that today. take action today and
record a five-minute lecture today teachingsomething that you are passionate about today. do that. record one five-minute lecture today.edit it, and post it to youtube, mark this private if you want, if you're embarrassedto do so. you don't have to show your face, but i recommend you do so, so you record yourwebcam. do that today. record just one lecture. can you record five minutes of video teachingsomething you're passionate about? of course you can. have you ever taught anybody something thatyou were passionate about, and it took you more than five minutes? all right, this isonline teaching. the only thing is you're going to put that on digital format. so yes,the first thing you can do in order to start
teaching online is record yourself on camera,at least for five minutes, and get used to the feeling, the pain of doing this, and alsothe benefits. because this is what salman khan did when he started like five years ago.he recorded a 10-minute video every day, every day for years, and of course, he got supergood at it. just go to salman khan or khan academy in youtube and you'll be able to seeone of the best online instructors in the world in action for free, right? the only way you get good at it is by masteringthe art of creating a lecture. that's step number one, and then you can also marketingand all that stuff. but that's the action step that i recommend that you take. boom,there's more questions here, and i'm really
very, very thankful for all the people thatare sticking. i'm really sorry that this took longer than an hour. i hope you're gettinga lot of value, and like i said, this is the first time i do a webinar, so it probablysucked a little bit, and you don't understand my accent. hopefully you do. "how is skillshare?"i never tried skillshare, and their pricing structure is different, so basically theyadd up all the minutes that have been watched in a month, and then they split the revenueamong all the instructors. on top of that, they charge, they see how many minutes peoplehave watched. it's more complex and you could do well. somepeople do well. i never tried it. it's just another option. "is the name grumo.com/webinara registration page for how to double your
students?" yes. if you go to grumo.com/webinar,it's a registration page to register for the next webinar, and you want to do that quicklybecause the problem is if you don't, that's going to get sold out. and it's true, we don'twant a lot of people because actually this is a test. this is a test and we don't wantto really bomb it too badly. okay, more questions, more questions. "how many people are on yourteam?" in my team, there's about three people. there's me, myself, and i. three amazing people,i know them very, very well, and eventually i may hire other people which will be verysmart. who will be the best first person you shouldhire if you want to not suffer too much doing everything is a virtual assistant and that'sa whole discussion altogether. a virtual assistant
can save your life. "where can i meet otherswho are on a similar journey who are as excited as i am in your community. it is easier towork when i know there are others swimming in the same direction." very, very, very smart.where can you do that? well, we do have a facebook group, but i don't think it's open.it's called market your course, but that's a good question. i'll send you guys an emailif you guys want to be part of a community because i didn't think about it. i'm an idiot. i should have thought about that. i shouldsend you to a community where you guys can say help each other. maybe like at the sametime, "will the webinar be available after the fact?" of course, we'll be available afterthe fact because i'm recording it. oh, yes,
i didn't forget to press recording, so you'relucky. it's your lucky day. awesome answer, "where can we meet?" bah, bah, bah, more questions,more questions. "do you think it's possible to create an online course about food andits preparation?" the answer is yes. you can create a course, i mean anything you can teachin 4 to 10 hours, it's a course in itself, okay? so can you spend four hours being very,very passionate about teaching people how to do food and its preparation? yes. now, you'll use a different shooting techniquebecause slides and webcam are probably not the best methods of shooting a food course.you're going to have to get a camera. it could be your own iphone to start with. but youcan get a dslr, like a canon 70d or something
like that, and a couple lenses, and this ismore complex in terms of production, and specifically if you're going to shoot food, you want tomake sure it looks beautiful. you probably want to take a course on video production,just to learn the fundamentals of it. but yes, of course, you can create a courseon absolutely anything. now whether people are buying or not, i still say it dependson many, many factors. it depends if you're a great instructor, if you're passionate aboutit, if you know your market, if you've done research, if you know how to do marketing,anything can be sold if those factors are met, in any subject, knitting, cooking, baking,running, yoga-ing, jumping. there's a guy that made millions, listen to this. a guyhas made millions teaching people how to jump
higher, jump higher. okay, i want to jumphigher, and this guy makes millions. all right, well he created an online course, and he tellspeople the strategies that he has used to help nba. of course, nba players, basketballplayers love this, to jump higher. there you go. so if you can make a courseon how to jump higher, you can create a course on absolutely anything. what else do we havehere? okay, so guys, let me see if i have more questions here. "what do you think wouldbe more engaging for teaching languages to others, the teacher's face or a grumo-styleanimation?" okay so the question is, "what is more engaging, showing your face or animation?"let me tell you something, doing an animation, it's a lot of work and…both. if you're goingto hire a studio, it's going to cost you a
lot of money, number one. so if don't know if it's going to sell, don'tgo the animation route. if you do it yourself, i have a course called "how to create awesomeonline demo videos," or, "how to create awesome demo videos." that is a 10-hour course, andyou can take it, and you'll see how difficult it is to create good animations. bad animationsis very easy to create, the same as anything in life, creating bad courses is very easy.but if you want to do something good that people can actually enjoy, it's going to bea lot of effort. i would definitely go the route of not animation. just show your faceand teach people how to learn languages with slides. because animation is very, very, veryexpensive to do.
now, if you could afford animation, that'sa different story, then i would say animation is maybe, probably one of the best ways ofteaching. and if you go to youtube and there's...i'm going to recommend for you a couple of thechannels here. but if you go to asap signs or minute physics, they have amazing educationon animations. another one is called "in a nutshell," amazing youtube channel that teachesyou absolutely anything that you want with animation. the thing is in animation you canteach a lot more a lot faster, so in 10 minutes you get to learn a lot. the problem is that it's unlikely you cancharge a lot for a 10-minute video, regardless of how much value that you provide. "thanksfor all the useful information." thank you
for everybody sticking here. we're at theone hour and a half, over one hour. "are you still the ceo of grumo or have you sort ofdistributed your team to be managed by another?" this is not related to this, but to answerthe question. yes, i am the ceo of grumo, and i have a distributed team. i have alsoan online course which is called "how to create an awesome lifestyle business," where i teacheverything, all the secrets. well, they won't be secrets once you get the course. but basically it's a 10-hour course, 100 lectureswhere i teach how i've started this company, how i've systematized everything to the pointwhere today i have a profitable business creating videos, where i basically don't do much, tobe honest. i just hire very, very smart people.
they are all contractors. i'm the sole ownerand employee of the company, and they work from all around the world. it is a distributedteam, to answer your question, yes. i'm still the ceo and sole owner of this company. ijust work with really, really smart, awesome people, and i'm really happy that they workwith me, and they've stuck with me some of them for very long. and building a team is one of the best skillsyou could ever learn, definitely. me, myself, and i, miguel, i've got the time wrong. okay,guys, i think we're pretty much good. "thanks for all the useful information." bah, bah,bah. oh, my god, that's a big question. "how do you think i can make it easier for my futureself to actually stick to a schedule following
through this hectic journey in my life? whatdo you say to yourself when you're having an off day, but stuff needs to get done?"this is more about mindset, my friends, and the mindset will be an entire course whichi'm not an expert on. but as a guy that is reaching almost 40 yearsof age, i've gone through lots of ups and downs in his life, my life has been prettyeasy. but like everybody, you have ups and downs, and not every day you wake up in themorning saying, "yeah, i'm going to take over the world. yeah, i'm the best in the world."sometimes i mean i think, i've never got diagnosed, but probably i think i suffered depressionfor the first 30 years of my life, so there you go. and then one day i got braces, fixedmy teeth, and i got a lot more confidence,
because my teeth really sucked. so yeah, itis hard. there's many, many factors that affect your confidence and your ability. what canyou do to get things done? that is a very, very important topic, andto create an online course, yes, you definitely need that type of motivation when you're sittinghours in front of a computer trying to teach people and change the world, you need thatmotivation. so what do i do? there's james teacher [sp], a great blogger, has recommendations.in your life, you need to find the balance, and the balance is by spending time. you haveto sleep, eat well, socialize, work, and play. so those things, make sure you do those. ifyou're missing any of those things, you're missing the sleep, if you're not doing thingsthat you enjoy, if you're not socializing,
if you're not eating well, that is going toaffect your ability to be motivated. so if you're not motivated, and you're not sufferingsome kind of chronic depression or something like that, then probably one of those fivefactors needs work. right? if you're not working on somethingyou’re passionate, if you're not getting out, if you're not sleeping well, if you'renot drinking water, if you're not eating well, your ability to be motivated is going to decrease,so there you go. the tricky part is to make sure that you find a balance in life, andi'm not a psychologist, so i'm probably not the best person to answer that question. andwhat others do we have? "any last informational resources that you personally recommend thatwe can follow up with as soon as this webinar
is over?" okay, so informational resources related toonline courses, let me think about this. informational resources, i'm really passionate about teaching,so informational resources, check this guy. his name is richard feynman. he's one of themost...now he doesn't exist. he died, but he worked in the manhattan project duringthe second world war, richard feynman has been one of the top physicists of our generation,and also one of the best instructors of all time. he was teaching physics which is veryhard, and nuclear physics, and he made it entertaining as hell. so if you want to be inspired about beingan online teacher, check richard feynman out.
i don't know how you spell it, richard feynman,one of the greatest physicists of our generation, not our generation, but of this century. checksalman khan and khan academy to be inspired by a great online instructor. in terms ofresources, i've mentioned most of them in this course, signing up for thinkific or signingfor udemy today is free and upload a course. record a lecture, and like i say, i'm goingto send you a gift. the gift is basically to get your ass into action. so look for the gift in your inbox. so lateron today when i get some time, i need to get some sleep. i went to sleep very late. oncei get some rest, i'll send you the gift and the answer will be there. thanks so much forbeing here. you guys are awesome. you're the
best in the world. i'm so happy that, of courseyou'll model them in your own presentation. i don't see your names, but whoever is askingthese questions, thank you so much. i don't know how to use goto webinar, but it's beenamazing, thank you. thank you. you guys are awesome. we're way beyond the...i'm amazing. there'sstill 40 people here, and this is my first webinar. i'm going to just pat myself on theback and say, "miguel, you're awesome. you did a great job. thank you very much." andi'm going to turn my camera on, so you can see my ugly...no, i'm a beautiful man. i'ma beautiful man. check my face. can you see it right now? yeah, so thanks so much fortuning into this webinar. i hope you enjoyed
it. i hope you learned a lot, and most importantlyi hope you were inspired to take action and to change the world. i'm tuning out. bye-bye.bye-bye, american pie, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. quick gotomeeting, bye-bye.
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