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welcome everyone! it's jennifer. today's videois a little bit different in that i want to show you 5 different ways to add gold foilto your projects. gold foil is all the rage and there's a lot of great new products comingout. in this video i'm just going to touch on 5 different ways i've had success addinggold foil. so very quickly show you each of them. however, over the next few weeks, ifyou stay tune to my youtube channel i'll be showing cards using all of these techniques.i like some of them better than others and i'll be honest about those throughout thisvideo today. so we are going to go through all 5 ways. but first let me show you thefoil that i'll be using. i'm using deco foil from therm o web. that is what you see herein the tubes. there's a lot of it in these
little bottles. this stuff is very thin sothere is a lot in there. it comes in a lot of great colors. i'm going to use the goldfor today's video. but keep in mind that there are lots of different shiny colors you canuse. ranger also sells some foil sheets. there's less in a package. you can see their smallerhere. i've had pretty decent success with these too. so there are a few options outthere. the foil itself is very thin. so on one side it has the shiny color and on theother side it's like a matte silver. whenever you're using this you want to make sure thatthe shiny colored side is facing up. which you will see me do a lot in this video. soi'm going to go through all 5 of the techniques that i wanted to share today. i'm saving myfavorite for last. so you guys be sure to
stick around for that. first i'm going totalk about using foil with stamps. now i recommend when you using the stamps, use stamps thatare kind of forgiving. like this bird image from hero arts. it doesn't have a ton of solidarea and it's kind of sketchy. i don't know, it worked really well with this image andyou just want to play around with what stamps you may have. so i have just regular whitecard stock for all of these projects. you can use anything you want. to apply the foilin this case i'm using a product called flitterglu. i found out about this from the sweet folksover at simon says stamp. this is great for using gold flakes and it works pretty wellwith golf foil too. so what i do is i squeeze a bunch of it on my craft sheet or my worksurface. then i take a clean ink blend tool
with foam and i absorb all of that glue upinto the foam. you can it just kind of sucked it up. now i have basically like a littleminiature ink pad with the glue in it. if you don't have an ink blending tool like thatwith the foam you could use a make-up applicator. so now i'm just going to just kind of dabthis on to my stamp. you can see i make sure that it is covered completely. this stuffis very sticky. i'm just going to stamp this onto my paper. then immediately clean offthis stamp. i think they recommend dunking your stamp in water to make sure that it comesoff. whatever you do you want to make sure you clean it off. so now i'm laying the foildown with the silver side down. the gold side up. i'm just kind of pressing there. you cansee that it's sticking there on to the glue.
now i find that i get best results if i flipit over and use my bone folder to really rub that into place. just to kind of stick itthere so it doesn't shift when we do our next step. so i'm making sure that i press allaround. now i'm going to flip it over and do the same directly on the foil. you cansee i'm kind of pulling all in the same direction. you can start to notice that it kind of transferson to the adhesive that we stamped in place. you can see your image kind of popping up.so i'm just rubbing right across. this foil is pretty tough. it can handle the pressurethat we're putting on. check it out. you see all the foil transfer on to our image. itis just beautiful. now i would recommend playing around with different stamps and see whichones work best for you. you can use that glue
on your clear stamps if you clean it off rightaway. check out that pretty shine you get. it's not perfectly smooth because you usedan adhesive to apply the foil. but it is just beautiful and a lot shiner than you wouldget with heat embossing. check it out. you can use the negative space of your foil onanother project if you want to. just glue it right on to a project i think it wouldbe beautiful. now you can see the gold shine that you can get using your stamps. if you'rewondering about using this technique with other liquid glues, i would encourage youto give it a try. i do know that this flitterglu is very sticky so it does work very well forthis technique, but you could try what you have on hand. next the second technique i'mgoing to show is how you can use your foil
with your dies. i really like this technique.this one's fun. i did it for this large hello you see here. now there are a few a differentproducts you can use to stick your foil in place. i highly recommend this stick it product.this is a newer product. it is super super super thin double sided adhesive that's greatfor die cutting. now you'll see it's so thin you can almost see through it, even with therelease paper of both sides. on one of the sides there are little folds in the releasepaper, so it's easy to kind of peel it off. so i'm going to place that down. so that sidegoes down on to my die cut machine and then i'm going to put my die on top of this. sowe are not actually sticking this to card stock. we are just sending it through ourdie cut machine. with the die as it is coming
out of the package. i love the stick it stuff.so, now we have basically a large sticky die cut here. now, this is thin again, so youwant to be kind of careful when you're doing this. take my die cut out and lay it ontomy work surface. now, since this is so thin here's a trick that makes it so easy to workwith thin die cuts like this. i just take some post-it tape and i just put it rightacross the die cut. this will kind of hold it in place so we can pick it up and moveit around. so i'm just going to rub that right onto there. now i can flip it over and removethe release paper on the back side of our die cut here. you could try this techniquewith any die cuts you have. i wouldn't go super thin, like super detailed die cuts,because the the stick-it product is very thin.
but you can try it with any dies that youmay have. so now i'm going to pick this up and just place it right onto my card wherei want it. you can see how easy it was to pick it up thanks to the post-it tape. nowthis is really important. you want to take your bone folder and really press all of thathello word down. you want that as flat as you can get it on to your card stock. youwant to make sure it's really stuck there. really really really well. then you can goahead and take your post-it tape and pull that off, as you do that it actually willremove the release paper on the other side. so that you can see that release paper comeright off. now we have the word hello there. you can see it just barely, but it's stickyand ready for the foil. i'll take my foil
and put the shiny side up right on to my project.i forgot to trim my foil down before i brought it over. you might want to do that, so youcan kind of conserve your foil. then i'm going to again as always flip it over and rub thefoil in with my bone folder. if you don't have a bone folder anything that has a flatedge that you can rub across it. like maybe a credit card would work for that. now i decidedto trim off that extra and save it for my next project. now i'm going to take the bonefolder right over the area where my die cut is. you can see it starts to transfer. thisis fantastic because you can see through it. you can be sure that the foil has transferredto the whole image before you peel it up. so you're able to tell you've got it all complete.so after you've rubbed it down. this is the
magic. this is like the wow! you peel it upand look how beautiful that is. i just love it. now it is not as smooth of a foil lookas you'll get with my favorite technique, number 5, which i'll show you in a bit. butit is stunning and a lot shinier than you can get with heat embossing. a lot smootherthat heat embossing and it is flat, because that double sided tape is so thin. if youhave other double sided tapes you could try that, by all means, and it should work. ijust like the stick it because it is super thin. think of all the things that you candie cut and create foil backgrounds with or foil words or anything you want. it's a greatway to stretch your dies. so the first technique shows stretching your stamps with foil andthis was with the dies. the next technique
is using your foil with your adhesive or withyour tapes. this is super easy. i think it would be something would be great for a backgroundor kind of a border effect on your projects. so for this i'm using a double sided tapefrom be creative. it comes in all kinds of widths here and i am just going to take thisthin, i think this is a 1/8 of an inch and i'm just going to put stripes across my card.so you could die cut this stuff if you had the big sheets of this be creative, becauseit comes in sheet form. but here i just wanted to show you how easy it was to take any doublesided tape put stripes down on your card and then add the foil to it. if you have a taperunner, you could even put a strip of your adhesive from the tape runner across yourcard and then add the foil to it. i know some
companies have come out with shaped littleadhesive stars and stuff that you can put to your cards and you can use the foil withthose also. so i used my bone folder on the back of the card and now i'm going to thefront. this took a little bit more work to transfer all the foil on to the tape, butyou could see right through it and know that it's transferred. there you have your foilstripes. now these are a little bit raised because of the thickness of the tape, butstill is quite beautiful. it's just something that you can quickly add to your projectsand it doesn't use up much of the foil at all. i encourage you to look around your craftroom, because i bet you have an adhesive that would be fun to use with foil. okay, so thefourth technique is to use foil with stencils.
i was determined to come up with a way touse my foils with my stencils, because i'm also currently addicted to using stencilsthese days. this technique is really fun. so i'm using a new stencil from tim holtz.i just love this flourish stencil. i'm going to tape it onto some white card stock here.by the way i know that some of these techniques with the foils work on fabric, so i encourage you to checkout all the different things you can use the foil on fabrics with also. so i'm just goingto make sure that this is taped well in place. now i am using a spray adhesive over thisstencil to add my foil. i just grabbed this old spray adhesive i have. i don't know ifthey make this particular one anymore, but i would check out any kind of spray adhesivethat you may have and just give it a try and
see if it works for you. so what i did isi took this outside and i gave it a quick spritz to make sure that i covered all theopen area with the spray adhesive. now i ended up trimming my white paper a little shorterbecause i put my thumb right in it and messed it up. so that is why the paper is a littlesmaller here. then i just went ahead and pressed my foil right on to it. it wasn't completelydry and it seemed to be okay. then i again will press it from the back side and theni'll flip it over and rub right on top of the foil itself. i've found that this. youreally want to make sure you rub this well, because it doesn't have as much adhesive asnormal. now, here you'll see that i actually cut this down. the reason i did that is becausei wanted to try running it through my laminator,
which you'll see in technique number 5. buti cut it apart so i could try half of it through the laminator and half just rubbing it onwith a bone folder. you can see you get good results wither way. i think running it throughthe laminator helps to kind of press it into place. the one on the right is done with thelaminator, which i'm going to show you in a moment. check out that cool effect thatyou can get with your stencils also. so the foil is fun because you can use to with yourdies, your stamps and even your stencils. check out the fun shine that you get. so nowwe are on the 5th technique which is by far my favorite. i warn you this seems a littleintimating at first but i promise it isn't so just stick with me here. this is usingfoil with print outs. now to do this you need
to have some sort of laser printer. i havea very inexpensive black and white laser printer here at home. i'll link to the one that iuse. if you don't have a laser printer. if you don't have a laser printer you can takeit to kinko's. you need anything that prints with toner to do this technique. you alsoneed a laminator. now that sounds intimidating. i have a very inexpensive laminator here.this is very inexpensive. i had one for a long time i couldn't find it to be honestwith you so i just bought this new one and it works very well. all you got to do is turnit on and let it heat up and you're ready to go with adding foil. check out how easythis is. just take a piece of typing paper and fold it in half. this is what you kindof send your project through the laminator
with. i have a piece that i printed with mylaser printer. this happens to be my daughters valentine's. again if you don't have a laserprinter, just take this to kinko’s and they can print it and you'll be good to go. youjust need toner for this to work. it is amazing how well it works. i promise i promise. nowi am going to take my foil and i'm just going to put it on top of here face down and runthis through my laminator. it is almost magical. so i'm just going to take this layer righton top. put it inside of my folded piece of paper and put this in the laminator. the laminatorslowly pulls this through. takes just a couple minutes. it slowly pulls it through. putspressure and heat on to it, so you can transfer that foil onto your project. you can see itmoving through. while this moves through i
wanted to show you some other examples i did.check out the detail that i got here. i just printed this background from studio calicoon to some card stock and then put the foil on top. now these cards i'm showing you hereare part of a video that i'll have coming up very soon to show you how much you cando with printing out your own images and running it through s laminator. here's a birthdaycard that i did that has a couple different colors of foil on it. so i think these resultsare so fantastic and so fast to do. so it's definitely worth it to get something printedwith a laser printer and run it through the laminator. okay so i let it cool just fora second, peel it off and check that out. bam! super super awesome! it is smooth ascan be, shiny as can be. definitely the best
results of all of the techniques. so veryfast to do. i did all my daughter's valentine's in 45 minutes this way. now, one thing i reallywant to mention is of all these techniques this one is the most durable. you can scratchand the foil doesn't come off. with all the adhesive techniques that i showed you it doesscratch a little bit if you scratch it like with your fingernail you can scratch the foila little bit. it's not a problem i'll still send cards that way, but you definitely getthe best results using print outs and a laminator. another great thing about this technique ismany companies have free downloads that you can use to just print out and do your foiling.i’ll link to lots of those in the future. now i do want to mention again that i havea lot more to come. i'm going to be showing
lots of videos with techniques using foilover the next few weeks. also, heidi swapp has a product called the mink machine andit is a machine that is used to add foil and it's supposed to be a fantastic machine withlots of perks. as soon as i'm able to get my hands on one i will definitely be showingyou that too. so be sure to stay tuned for that. now if you're interested in any of theproducts i use i link below in my youtube description or you can head over to my blogfor much more information. be sure to subscribe so you can see the foiling videos that i'llbe doing over the next few weeks. thanks again for stopping by and i really appreciate youtaking the time out of your day to spend with me.
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