google web designer certification exam
man: the google playdeveloper console lets you publish your appsand games on google play to over 1 billion android usersaround the world. the developer consoleis full of features that can help you grow your appor game business. we've chosen ten tips you cantake advantage of right now. improve your app qualityby getting feedback from trusted users beforeyou launch to the world. how?
follow the instructionsfrom the apk tab and invite users throughan open or closed beta. they'll be able to download thetest app from the play store, and you can start gettingfeedback on your new features. don't let hiccups trip you upor slow you down. staggering updateslets you release your app to progressively more people, so you can catch and fixany glitches before they have a chanceto affect a wider audience.
with store listing experiments, you can test up to threevariants of your app icon, text, and graphicson your store listing to see which gets usersdownloading your app. take a data driven approachto optimizing our store listing and try new things. don't just assumeit's good enough. ratings and reviews will tellyou what your users love and love less about your app,
and replying to reviewscreates dialogue, which builds loyalty. the developer console monitorsyour app's performance in google play and suggestsoptimization tips and provides a handy guideto utilize each suggestion. app indexing lets users openyour app's content directly from google searcheson their devices. it's a great way to reengageusers who've installed your app and help them rediscoveryour app's features.
once you've added app indexingto your app, verifying your websitein the developer console to start taking advantage ofthe additional app engagement. gain actionable insights on howusers are interacting with your app by linkingyour google analytics account to the developer console. you'll see additional reportson new and active users, plus new metrics likethe google play referral flow to help you understand how usersare discovering your apps.
sudden drops in your installsor ratings? are there more crashesthan usual? email alerts will alert you so you can be totally on topof your app's performance and minimize a bad userexperience. gain deeper insight intothe behavior of your app and its users by exporting your most importantstats: installs, upgrades, reviews,ratings, crashes.
analyzing this data in detaillets you spot trends and then focus on theimprovements most important to your users. make app publishingand management tasks easy, time efficient,and useful by automating them. push out a daily updateto your alpha testers. update localized store listingtext and imagines. add or delete in-app products
to keep your app super fresh. head over to the google playdeveloper console to start taking advantageof these features. if you want more tips on howto improve your app or game's performance and builda better app business, check out the other videosin this series and download "the secrets toapp success" on google play.
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