web design certification exams
in this brief chapter i’m going to showyou recommended minimum requirements of things to place inside a website - in order to makeit work. i’ll explain using 3 common types of websitesas examples. we’ll focus on ushering users through eachsite, in order to perform a certain action or complete a goal. this information relatesdirectly to the principles taught in our class called “first thing’s first: plan yourwebsite contentâ€, where we discussed starting with goals to help shape our site content.be sure to review chapters 2 and 3 of that class. the most common type of website provides information for site visitors. the main goal of a website visitor is to get in touch. to contact thebusiness.
here are the main things to consider whencreating a site intended to provide information: when considering how many pages to include,think about the needs of the visitors. a 5-page website is a good place to start.in addition to the homepage, you could include an about page, a services page to explainwhat the business or organization provides, maybe an faq page and a contact page.if you’re just interested in a basic online presence, to show you exist and let visitorsget in touch, you may want to stick with a simple “one-pager†site, otherwise knownas “deep scrollâ€. this is a popular trend in web design, where instead of a traditionalmulti-page site structure the bulk of the content is broken into vertical sections onone page. this option is perfect for those
who don’t wish to provide lots of contentto the website visitors. we’ll return to “deep scroll†sites in a later video when we discuss“trendsâ€. no matter how many pages you go with - makeit easy for website visitors to get in touch! include a phone number and address or justa contact form. if you’re looking to sell products fromyour website, check out our class on ecommerce for a look at what this involves. settingup an online store takes careful planning and preparation, which we explain in thatclass. for now, here are some basic tips for buildingwebsites from which you can sell products: provide a comfortable and familiar shoppingexperience by including common ecommerce elements
like a gallery of product images, a shoppingcart and a checkout button. it’s disorienting to shop online when you can’t find thesecommon items you expect to be there. add a section to the homepage for new arrivals,sales and other promotions. you can link these sections to dedicated pages you can add asyou need. focus on building trust for users with reviews,customer testimonials, faq pages, press, and contact forms for visitors to connect to thebusiness directly. maintain and update the content regularly.updating inventory with the latest products available and keeping all product info andother site content fresh and relevant. finally, think about future promotional efforts.don’t forget to include social media links
and a way to sign up for the newsletter, ifthere will be one. finally, there are sites offering somethingin between providing information, and selling products. these sites offer different or extra forms of interaction. for example, perhaps you wantvisitors to fill out a survey, answer questions or become members of a community.here are some design tips: for a site with a deeper user experience orlevel of interaction in mind, think about exactly what you want the website to do.then, see if you can find an app for it in the wix app market!make sure the design encourages visitors to complete your intended goal.
of course there are other types of websites.but these are the three most popular options in terms of what they do. now let’s shift our focus onto things abit more...visually stimulating? our next chapter focuses on making your site look asimpressive as possible.
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